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Switcher menu/button hide/show

Discussion in 'Help Requests & Support' started by bartuspan, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. bartuspan Thread starter User

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    hello good People i found a nice looking menu, and want to make some change and using it, But i have a question i need to use it like main menu, with my menu mini and then i need similar to phpfox switch to hide./show this block. It is possible , can someone help?


    it just phphtml code on html block like that + a few img:
    <center><table style="background-color:transparent; height: 70px; width: 900px;" border="0" align="center"><tbody><tr>
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    MisterWizard likes this.
  2. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    You may use it, but you must change it every time when you add or remove some plugin.
    Of course, you need to add proper pictures and correct their paths in this code.
    bartuspan likes this.
  3. bartuspan Thread starter User

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    My version of SE:

    Ye but, it possible to make some like switcher to hide/show this menu? for example One button in top menu, and when you click for some button then this menu show,but that was normally hidden?
    mainly what I mean, How to Do button in the top menu, or some small button under the the top menu. to switching . When you press whose, extend, or just a html menu appears.

    i add the img folder there, becouse cant edit my last post.

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  4. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    this needs some kind of 'theme switcher' JS.....
    And that is pretty serious job, also as free ride, bro...
    for example, I spend almost 3 days to make worker fuc**** JS...just for dynamic bars
    bartuspan likes this.
  5. bartuspan Thread starter User

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    Ok, so i will try to find another clever and easy way. Thanks for the reply
  6. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    Try to make this menu as simple widget....
  7. bartuspan Thread starter User

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    I did it. But I thought to do something like a button, after which you press, the menu appeared. As a simple, static works and looks pretty good.
  8. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    With this code above, you can't achieve anything. Code is wrong, totally, bro, so I really like to see your site, with this code, to this menu work.
  9. bartuspan Thread starter User

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    Really, i said you i'm little change this code and it work, have a look www.givbe.com
    --- добавлено: Sep 10, 2013 12:34 AM ---
    just do not laugh, it's basically one page, which I do in my life, P
  10. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    There is no such menu there...

    In your code above:
    1. All links are wrong.
    2. Paths to images are wrong
    3. Icon sizes is different, so you must add width and height in each line of code - this is stupidity! Find desired icons, and make from they a hover ones, little smaller, 2px in each dimension, if you wanna to have moving like effect.
    4. Choose - do you wanna to have textual links below, or not? You already have ToolTip textual, so...

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