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Request Advanced Video (nulled)

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by AlashBoY, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. AlashBoY Thread starter User

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    My version of SE:
    My version of Oxwall:

    Advanced Video is now FULLY responsive.
    Improve your user experiences with our Advanced Video plugin, one of the most convenient video-sharing tools streaming videos from YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo right on your site. Served as an enhancement to SE video plugin, Advanced Video offers many features that are similar to YouTube for your site to be a popular video service whereby users can create video clips and share them to the masses.
    The plugin now reaches to the next stage of evolution where it brings up better mobile web user experiences. Advanced Video works perfectly compatible with our Mobile View Template 4.02 for SE. The convenience of built-in camera and mobility of smart phone now a day which would greatly encourage users record and share instantly memorable moments to friends and community. Ultimately, it drives your site to next level of user generated content volume and user engagement.
    SE compatibility: 4.4.x –> 4.7.x
    Product version: 4.03p1
    License key:This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify license.
    The license key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.
    Knowledge Base: http://knowledgebase.younetco.com/category/social-engine-products/advanced-video

    • Compatible with Responsive Templates
    • Compatible with YouNet Mobile View Template 4.02, bring exact mobile web user experience
    • Uploaded videos automatically converted into MP4 format which is popularly supported by HTML5 players.
    • Change HTML5 player on web view
    Key Features

    • Integrate with Advanced Event 4.02 New
    • Allow user to create a video from a FLV URL
    • Allow videos to be embedded from popular sources: YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo
    • Users are able to add videos to favorite list, playlist, and watch later list
    • Enhance video performance: streaming quality and speed
    • Provide a user friendly video homepage with featured video slideshows and many related video widgets
    • Allow users to share URL, HTML code of a video along with their playlist and favorite lists
    • Easy mechanism to send a video to friends through their emails or through Yahoo Messenger
    • Allow users to rate their favorite videos
    • Provide landing pages for all pages
    • Fully compatibility with SE standard themes
    • Video widgets: most rated, most viewed, most liked, featured videos, recent videos, popular videos, top members
    Front End

    Guest (Non-registered user)
    • Search for videos by names, categories, and by their features (most recent, most viewed, highest rated, most commented, etc)
    • View video listings
    • Video statistic
    Registered User
    • Embed videos from additional source: Dailymotion
    • Create new playlist: allow user to add playlist logo
    • Sort / Edit your playlists
    • Add videos to and remove video from playlist, favorite list, and watch later list
    • Manage my videos: edit, delete videos
    • Rating video
    • Many other options: URL, HTML Code, Send to Friends, Share, Report
    Back End

    Manage Videos
    • View, delete, feature a member’s videos
    Manage Video Utilities: help admin to configure and troubleshoot the video plugin
    • Configure current installed version of ffmped
    • Configure supported video formats
    Manage global settings
    • Configure number of videos shown per page
    • Configure if members can embed videos from other sources
    • Set number of categories listed per page
    • Set number of videos per category
    • Set number of videos to be allowed in a playlist
    • Set number of playlists displayed per page
    Manage Member Level Settings: for each member level
    • Configure if they can view videos
    • Configure if they can upload their own videos
    • Configure the maximum number of videos, they can create
    • Configure if they are allowed to edit or delete their videos
    • Configure if they are allowed to comment on videos, playlist
    Manage Video Categories
    • Add a new category
    • Edit / Delete a category
  2. brucelee736 Novice member

    Message Count:
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    My version of SE:
    My version of phpFox:
    My version of Oxwall:
  3. johannes1963 User

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    My version of SE:
    The modules are nulled


    Attached Files:

  4. MisterWizard Moderator

    • Moderator
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    Are these nulled by me or that other site that is down right now? You know, the one one that resides on iPage!!! LMAO!
  5. johannes1963 User

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    My version of SE:
    These Modules from another website SEH

  6. MisterWizard Moderator

    • Moderator
    Message Count:
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    My version of SE:
    Members, please beware of nulls from SocialEngineHelp. Past reports of improper nulls and potential exploits. THANKS!
    --- добавлено: Jul 30, 2015 at 3:01 PM ---
    Members, please beware of nulls from SocialEngineHelp. Past reports of improper nulls and potential exploits. THANKS!

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