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Nice Profile Plugin

En tråd i 'General discussions' startet av bartuspan, 27 Aug 2013.

  1. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    Some shits in SE php must be same, because php is php, but some code is 'author' code, and if u use it, then you make author rights offence...fortunately, some thing you can achieve on many ways, so....
  2. bartuspan Trådstarter User

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    Just that half the sound and speed of are different and it's not the same song. Besides, if someone really wants to argue about intellectual property that must be satisfied that it was his original idea. And from what I can see almost all the things in SE php is a copy of something
  3. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    Original Idea not need to be discussed - otherwise somebody can patented a plain wheel, and what then??
    I make recently two modules - Zodiac signs, and Users Moods - and so what? If somebody other wanna to make similar plugin, I can't stop them...nor protect my Idea, as my own intellectual property...
  4. bartuspan Trådstarter User

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    To help what happened a few years ago, except in Australia, someone managed patent to exactly wheel! For similar paranoia, I remember that in recent years has managed to acquire a patent to someone on the table locksmith. As if that was not used before... Besides patent offices are housed tons of requests for various patents, for example, for an alternative way of producing energy, etc. However, in this whole rat race too many do not care that it came into force.
    I am skeptical about religion and faith. But I think that in a world in which football players earn at 250,000 pounds per week in the second one place U.S. dollar saving someone's life for a week, intellectual property goes by the wayside. Anyway, if someone did something brilliant that it should make available as soon as possible : D To none sneaky snakes that did not use! hehe ,Besides talent is a gift, not everyone has it: P
    SPQR liker dette.
  5. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    Agree, it's shame to waste talent...

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