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  3. В связи с участившимися случаями попыток продажи пользователями форума различных "сборок" коммерческих социальных платформ, обычно основанных на SocialEngine 3, вводится новое правило для форума. Запрещается создание тем или размещение в уже созданных предложений о продаже или размещение ссылок на сайты, где происходит продажа "сборок". Пользователи, которые продолжат свою коммерческую деятельность в данном направлении, будут заблокированы. Подробнее.

Nivoo Slider 4.0.3

Discussion in 'Плагины - Plugins' started by huangbinbin, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. huangbinbin Thread starter Active member

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    This plugins was made from a Webstudio i hired to make a premium theme for me, he has made alot of themes and plugins he just wanna give for free he didnt care about it, so i asked if i could have the exclusively for releasing them and what he has to come in the near future, this is only for "Social Engine Forum" nothing else. keep it here and more stuff from this guy will come.

    Frontpage Nivoo Slider v4.0.3
    This documentation describes how to get started. Note: Sharing is totally tolerated under all circumstances - those who breach this and may give more to the community is in my eyes a more good human bean, sharing is for pleasure not profit.


    1. If you are using a Unix server (or Unix variant, like Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, etc.) you must set the permissions (CHMOD) of the following directories 777:
    * /externals/
    * /application/widgets/
    2. SocialEngine 4 default settings has to be applied. If you are using a Unix server (or Unix variant, like Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, etc.) you must set the permissions (CHMOD) of the following directories and files to 777:
    * /install/config/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)
    * /temporary/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)
    * /public/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)
    * /application/themes/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this should also be changed)
    * /application/packages/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this should also be changed)
    * /application/languages/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)
    * /application/settings/ (recursively; all files contained within this must also be changed


    Installation will function very similarly to the SocialEngine upgrade process.

    1. Log into your SocialEngine 4 site and access the Admin area.
    2. Change the System Mode to Development Mode.
    3. Access the Manage menu and click on Packages & Plugins.
    4. Click on the Install New Packages link, then on the Add Packages link.
    5. Select the TAR file/files.
    6. Follow the step-by-step wizard to complete the installation of the plugin files.
    7. After successful installation, return back to Admin Panel.


    First of all we gonna upload the images we wanna use with Nivoo Slider.

    1. Access the Layout menu and click on File & Media Manager.
    2. Click on Upload New Files upload the images you wanna use with Nivoo Slider.
    3. Click on copy URL to get the url for your images location, so you have this for later.

    Second we configuration so we can use the images we just uploaded with our Nivoo Slider.

    1. Access the Layout menu and click on Layout Editor.
    2. Go to Available Blocks and drag out Frontpage Nivoo Slider under Widgets where you want it to be.
    3. Go to Available Blocks and drag out HTML Block under Core and put this under Frontpage Nivoo Slider Widget.
    4. Then click edit on it and paste the following code to the box if it not auto appers on the screen.
    5. Remember to edit the src="http://domain.com/public/admin/xxx.jpg" to you copy URL from the first step.
    <div id="frontpage-nivooslider">
    img src="http://domain.com/public/admin/001.jpg" alt="" title="This is an example of a caption" />
    img src="http://domain.com/public/admin/002.jpg" alt="" title="This is another example of a caption" />
    Save it. And you are done.
    Hope you enjoy using this software as much as i enjoyed creating it!

    Attached Files:

  2. istihara User

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    My version of SE:
    Ну хоть бы демо показали.
    Please show demo of this plugin...
  3. web.maxpro User

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    а что это такое?
  4. TITAN User

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    My version of SE:
    My version of Oxwall:
    У меня после установки этого слайдера полетели функции сайта - регистрация и видео.
  5. Amfitoz Novice member

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    Отлично, только как перделать RAR в TAR?
  6. tchmn User

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    Все отлично работает. Это плагин слайдшоу - закидываешь в папочку картинки, прописываешь путь в блоке и они потом по очереди в окошке меняются. Можно вручную просматривать. На главной странице красиво получается.
  7. thebeknazar User

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    дайте пример кто нибудь, посмотрю, подумаю надо ль мне это
  8. KUL User

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    My version of SE:
    My version of Oxwall:
  9. Murich User

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    Ты его распакуй и там (тар) в нутри
  10. jolly185 Active member

    • Знаменитый
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    My version of SE:
    My version of phpFox:
    My version of Oxwall:
    Я что то не понял как его устанавливать Поставил виджет на главную но ни чего не появилось:stena:

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