1. Мы продолжаем публиковать интересные статьи на тему SocialEngine 4. Одна из статей посвящена правильному выбору сервера для вашей социальной сети, а другая содержит советы по увеличению производительности платформы. Также мы добавили большую статью о пользовательских уровнях. Ознакомиться со статьями вы можете в разделе Вопросы и Ответы SocialEngine 4.
  2. Вам кажется, что ваша версия SocialEngine 4, работает медленно?

    Голосуйте. Пишите свою версию системы, железо на чем работает и количество пользователей. Будем увеличивать производительность :-) Подробнее

  3. В связи с участившимися случаями попыток продажи пользователями форума различных "сборок" коммерческих социальных платформ, обычно основанных на SocialEngine 3, вводится новое правило для форума. Запрещается создание тем или размещение в уже созданных предложений о продаже или размещение ссылок на сайты, где происходит продажа "сборок". Пользователи, которые продолжат свою коммерческую деятельность в данном направлении, будут заблокированы. Подробнее.

SocialEngine 4.1.3 - Version 4.1.3 Released!

Discussion in 'Релизы - General' started by Prado, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. Prado Thread starter Challenge Everything

    • Admin
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    My version of phpFox:

    Теперь новый релиз выходит каждый месяц, версия 4.1.3 доступна для загрузки в клиентской области.

    Вот список некоторых изменений:
    *Сеть: Название сайта теперь может быть переведена на несколько языков, администраторы могут увидеть список всех зарегистрированных пользователей, автоматический вход в сеть теперь может иметь несколько значений, связанные профили.
    *Дружба: Дружба в одну сторону (непроверенная и проверенная) в настоящее время работают, как ожидалось
    *Приватность: Улучшены настройки.
    *Группы и события: Ошибка при создание обсуждения была исправлена.

    Ряд других мелких ошибок был исправлен. Полный список изменений, смотрите в "changelog.html", файлы обновления запакованы в TAR. Чтобы открыть файл TAR на Вашем компьютере, пожалуйста, используйте программу 7-Zip или WinRAR.

    Как всегда, не забудьте сделать резервную копию перед обновлением! Если у вас возникли какие-либо проблемы, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам или пишите свои комментарии.

    SocialEngine Change Log: 4.1.3
        application/comet.php - Removed
        application/config.php - Removed
        application/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        install/config/manifest.php - Incremented version
        install/import/PollPolls.php - Fixed error importing polls
        externals/autocompleter/Autocompleter.js - Resolved select/hover bug with Google Chrome; fixed tagging issues with Internet Explorer
        externals/autocompleter/manifest.php - Incremented version
        externals/calendar/manifest.php - Incremented version
        externals/calendar/styles.css - Improved localization and RTL support
        externals/chootools/chootools.js - Improved javascript automatic link enabling; added Request.Post class
        externals/chootools/manifest.php - Incremented version
        externals/fancyupload/fancyupload.css - Improved RTL support
        externals/fancyupload/FancyUpload2.js - Improved language support
        externals/fancyupload/manifest.php - Incremented version
        externals/fancyupload/Swiff.Uploader.js - Fixed RTL support issue; updated to address issue caused by Adobe Flash update
        externals/fancyupload/Swiff.Uploader.swf - Updated to address issue caused by Adobe Flash update
        externals/moolasso/Lasso.Crop.js - Fixes issue with Internet Explorer
        externals/moolasso/Lasso.js - Fixes issue with Internet Explorer
        externals/moolasso/manifest.php - Incremented version
        externals/mootools/mootools- - Hack to prevent IE draggable error
        externals/mootools/mootools- - Hack to prevent IE draggable error
        externals/soundmanager/manifest.php - Incremented version
        externals/soundmanager/soundmanager2.js - Added console logging in development mode
        externals/soundmanager/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js - Added console logging in development mode
        externals/tagger/manifest.php - Incremented version
        externals/tagger/tagger.js - Fixes issue where exception is thrown when tagging someone twice
        externals/tinymce/* - Added language packs
        application/libraries/Engine/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/libraries/Engine/Package/Manifest/Parser/Php.php - Removed for security reasons
        application/libraries/Engine/View/Helper/TinyMce.php - Set media_strict to allow youtube embeds
        application/libraries/Facebook/Api.php - Updated to latest version
        application/libraries/Facebook/Exception.php - Updated to latest version
        application/libraries/Facebook/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/libraries/PEAR/HTML/BBCodeParser/Filter/Links.php - Added option to disable link parsing
        application/libraries/PEAR/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/libraries/Zend/Cache/Backend/Memcached.php - Backport of ZF-8856 and ZF-9376, issues with deleting key
        application/libraries/Zend/Db/Table/Row/Abstract.php - Moved postInsert hook to after data refresh to prevent issues with saving inside hook
        application/libraries/Zend/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/libraries/Zend/zend_chanelog.txt - Updated
        application/languages/en/activity.csv - Added phrases
        application/modules/Activity/controllers/AdminSettingsController.php - Added controller for configuring default enabled notifications
        application/modules/Activity/controllers/IndexController.php - Fixed issue of undefined post_fail variable being logged; Activity post now sends member profile photo to Facebook if there is no attached image
        application/modules/Activity/Model/DbTable/Actions.php - Modifications to fix issues with activity privacy on profile pages
        application/modules/Activity/Model/DbTable/NotificationTypes.php - Added ability to configure default enabled notification types
        application/modules/Activity/Plugin/Core.php - Modifications to fix issues with activity privacy on profile pages
        application/modules/Activity/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Activity/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Activity/settings/my-upgrade-4.1.2-4.1.3.sql - Added
        application/modules/Activity/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/modules/Activity/views/scripts/_activityText.tpl - Fixed issue with moderators not being able to delete comments
        application/modules/Activity/views/scripts/admin-settings/notifications.tpl - Added
        application/modules/Activity/views/scripts/notifications/index.tpl - Added try/catch around requests
        application/modules/Announcement/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Announcement/settings/content.php - Added preliminary layout enhancements
        application/modules/Announcement/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Announcement/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/modules/Authorization/Model/Level.php - Levels no longer get indexed in search
        application/modules/Authorization/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Authorization/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Authorization/settings/my-upgrade-4.1.2p1-4.1.3.sql - Added
        application/modules/Authorization/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/languages/en/core.csv - Added phrases
        application/modules/Core/Api/Adcampaign.php - Removed
        application/modules/Core/Api/Report.php - Removed
        application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminAdsController.php - Removing deprecated code
        application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminReportController.php - Fixing pagination for manager reports page
        application/modules/Core/externals/scripts/composer.js - Fixed issue where an empty box will show up on some themes after making an attachement to a message
        application/modules/Core/externals/styles/admin/main.css - Added styles
        application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Filter.php - Fixing pagination for manager reports page
        application/modules/Core/Model/DbTable/Membership.php - Fixed issues with one-way friendships
        application/modules/Core/Model/Item/Abstract.php - Fixed issue with indexing items on creation
        application/modules/Core/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Core/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Core/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-content/index.tpl - Fixed issue where widgets with title NULL caused an exception.
        application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-report/index.tpl - Fixing pagination for manager reports page
        application/modules/Core/widgets/admin-statistics/Controller.php - Fixed users online count in admin dashboard.
        application/modules/Core/widgets/menu-main/index.tpl - Fixed issue of the main navigation inheriting other UL class on the page
        application/modules/Fields/Model/DbTable/Search.php - Fixed search issue when the same birthday max/min value is selected
        application/modules/Fields/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Fields/settings/fields.php - Added birthday view helper to fix issue with birthday links on profile
        application/modules/Fields/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Fields/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/modules/Fields/View/Helper/FieldBirthdate.php - Added "link to browse page" support
        application/modules/Fields/View/Helper/FieldWebsite.php - URL fields now open in a new tab/window.
        application/modules/HelloWorld/Model/HelloWorld.php - Better cleanup of temporary files
        application/modules/HelloWorld/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Invite/Plugin/Signup.php - Friendship requests now considers network friendship settings
        application/modules/Invite/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Invite/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Invite/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/modules/Messages/externals/styles/main.css - Added styles for messages widget
        application/modules/Messages/Plugin/Menus.php - Fixed permission issues with sending messages to friends only, fixed menu-item showing when Messages disabled.
        application/modules/Messages/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Messages/settings/content.php - Added
        application/modules/Messages/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Messages/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/modules/Messages/views/scripts/messages/compose.tpl - Fixed issues member name not being escaped properly
        application/modules/Messages/views/scripts/messages/inbox.tpl - Fixed issues with undefine variable notices
        application/modules/Messages/views/scripts/messages/outbox.tpl - Fixed issues with undefine variable notices
        application/modules/Messages/widgets/home-messages/Controller.php - Added
        application/modules/Messages/widgets/home-messages/index.tpl - Added
        application/languages/en/network.csv - Added phrases
        application/modules/Network/controllers/AdminManageController.php - Added support to list members in a network
        application/modules/Network/controllers/NetworkController.php - Fixed ordering; Network names are now translated
        application/modules/Network/externals/styles/main.css - Added styles for updated network settings page
        application/modules/Network/Form/Admin/Network.php - Added support for multiple options for one network
        application/modules/Network/Model/Network.php - Added support for multiple options for one network
        application/modules/Network/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Network/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Network/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/modules/Network/views/helpers/NetworkField.php - Added support for multiple options for one network
        application/modules/Network/views/scripts/admin-manage/index.tpl - Added smoothbox link to list members in a network
        application/modules/Network/views/scripts/admin-manage/members.tpl - Added support to list members in a network
        application/modules/Payment/controllers/SubscriptionController.php - Fixed issues with showing signup activity feed item when member had not yet paid
        application/modules/Payment/Model/Subscription.php - Fixed issues with showing signup activity feed item when member had not yet paid
        application/modules/Payment/Plugin/Core.php - Fixed issues with showing signup activity feed item when member had not yet paid
        application/modules/Payment/Plugin/Gateway/PayPal.php - Fixed bug that could cause double-billing at the beginning of a recurring payment profile
        application/modules/Payment/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Payment/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Payment/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/modules/Storage/Service/S3.php - Fixed issue with pulling remote file to local temporary file
        application/modules/Storage/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Storage/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/Storage/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/languages/en/user.csv - Added phrases
        application/modules/User/controllers/AdminManageController.php - Fixed issue with showing a member before paying for a subscription
        application/modules/User/controllers/AuthController.php - Fixed issue with showing a member before paying for a subscription, Lost password mail template no longer includes the host and scheme in the object_link placeholder. Use http://[host][object_link] to specify resource URL
        application/modules/User/controllers/FriendsController.php - Fixed issues with one-way friendships
        application/modules/User/controllers/IndexController.php - Different
        application/modules/User/controllers/ProfileController.php - Fixed issue with showing a member before paying for a subscription
        application/modules/User/controllers/SettingsController.php - Improvements to network settings page
        application/modules/User/controllers/SignupController.php - Fixed issue with signup activity not showing up for members in the same networks when feed content is set My Friends & Networks
        application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Manage/Edit.php - Fixed issue with showing a member before paying for a subscription
        application/modules/User/Form/Settings/Network.php - Improvements to network settings page
        application/modules/User/Form/Signup/Photo.php - Remove the image size cap for initial signup
        application/modules/User/Model/DbTable/Membership.php - Fixes rare issue with deleting members
        application/modules/User/Model/User.php - Fixed issue with showing a member before paying for a subscription
        application/modules/User/Plugin/Core.php - Fixed issue with showing a member before paying for a subscription
        application/modules/User/Plugin/Menus.php - Fixed issues with one-way friendships
        application/modules/User/Plugin/Signup/Account.php - Fixed issue with signup activity not showing up for members in the same networks when feed content is set My Friends & Networks
        application/modules/User/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/User/settings/content.php - Fixed issues with one-way friendships
        application/modules/User/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
        application/modules/User/settings/my-upgrade-4.1.2-4.1.3.sql - Added
        application/modules/User/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
        application/modules/User/View/Helper/UserFriendship.php - Fixed issues with one-way friendships
        application/modules/User/views/scripts/friends/follow.tpl - Added
        application/modules/User/views/scripts/friends/request-follow.tpl - Fixed issues with one-way friendships
        application/modules/User/views/scripts/settings/network.tpl - Improvements to network settings page
        application/modules/User/widgets/list-online/Controller.php - Fixed issue with showing a member before paying for a subscription
        application/modules/User/widgets/list-popular/Controller.php - Fixed issue with showing a member before paying for a subscription
        application/modules/User/widgets/list-signups/Controller.php - Fixed issue with showing a member before paying for a subscription
        application/modules/User/widgets/profile-friends-common/Controller.php - Fixed issues with one-way friendships
        application/modules/User/widgets/profile-friends-followers/Controller.php - Added
        application/modules/User/widgets/profile-friends-followers/index.tpl - Added
        application/modules/User/widgets/profile-friends-following/Controller.php - Added
        application/modules/User/widgets/profile-friends-following/index.tpl - Added
        application/modules/User/widgets/profile-friends/Controller.php - Fixed issues with one-way friendships
        application/modules/User/widgets/profile-friends/index.tpl - Fixed issues with one-way friendships
        application/themes/bamboo/manifest.php - Incremented version; removed deprecated meta key
        application/themes/default/manifest.php - Incremented version; removed deprecated meta key
        application/themes/default/theme.css - Added styles for liking comments
        application/themes/midnight/manifest.php - Incremented version; removed deprecated meta key
        application/themes/snowbot/manifest.php - Incremented version; removed deprecated meta key
        application/widgets/rss/Controller.php - Fixed issue with getting link
        application/widgets/rss/index.tpl - Fixed issue with getting link; added link enabling; added option to not strip HTML
        application/widgets/rss/manifest.php - Incremented version; added option to not strip HTML
        application/widgets/weather/choose.tpl - Page now reloads when location is selected
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  2. Lycon User

    Message Count:
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    Обновил. Вроде работает. Спасибо за оперативность.
  3. happymacho Novice member

    Message Count:
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    обновил! Всё супер..единственный косяк:
    при просмотре события или группы требует наличия /modules/Event/views/scripts/profile/index.tpl или /modules/Group/views/scripts/profile/index.tpl соответственно. А их там и в помине нет. Я создал вручную пустые index.tpl - тогда выводит пустую страyницу с шапкой...
    какой код должен быть на index.tpl????
  4. parkenzo User

    Message Count:
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    а чего за фигня такая... при отправке сообщений кому либо, вылазиет ошибка:
  5. щдз2009 User

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    как обновить что качать?
  6. Lycon User

    Message Count:
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    странно, у меня такой проблемы нет.

    Из нововведений ядра этого релиза: порадовало появление в админке нового меню Настройки - "Default Email Notifications". Лично мне, Его не хватало раньше.
  7. parkenzo User

    Message Count:
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    кто нибудь знает как решить эту проблему с сообщениями??? я знаю, что эта проблема не только у меня
  8. wesh User

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    Nice share as always :)
  9. BullButcher User

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    Простите чайника, а как обновится то?
  10. parkenzo User

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