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Modification Forum 4.2.2 signatures, user ranks and smiles

Discussion in 'Nadri & SPQR' started by nadri, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. nadri Thread starter Administrator

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    My version of SE:
    This is a just a modification of original Webligo Forum 4.2.2 plugin - added User Signatures, Users Ranks and Smiles in to Forum plugin.
    User Signatures - Users can have your own signatures below own posts, Admin can set thru AP minimum Number of needed posts before user get possibility to have Signature.
    User Ranks - Accordingly of numbers of posts users get "Rank" - something like "New Member", Regular Member", "Advanced Member".......or what you want to be showed ( Admin can set names of ranks, and needed minimum of posts for its
    Smiles - Users get possibility to embed Emotions ( Smiles) in to posts.

    Installation isn't so complex, but you must pay attention during it.

    Here we go...

    1. Step into your DB and do necessary DB queries :

    2. Upload (overwrite) whole content of .zip file into ../application/modules/Forum

    3. Step into AP-> Plugins -> Forum -> Global Settings and do necessary settings

    4. Step into AP-> Plugins -> Forum -> Forum Post Level and do necessary settings

    5. Finished!

    Attached Files:

    MisterWizard and Лана like this.
  2. Zoran Novice member

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    Under step 1 I get hidden content, what's up with that?
  3. nadri Thread starter Administrator

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    Because you are newcomer - you must have 20 quality posts before you can see that block. Sorry, this is prevention from leaching...
    Zoran likes this.
  4. madguy User

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    Now that Forum have been upgrade to version 4.2.4 Am wondering if you have time to make update. Version 4.2.4 is important to prevent XSS attack. Thank you for your hard work.
  5. nadri Thread starter Administrator

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    Soon I will update also.......
  6. avantus User

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    Как запретить в подписи вставлять внешние ссылки?
  7. MisterWizard Moderator

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    Hey Nadri, this is very nice modification you make! What would be even better, I think, would be to combine this with an Advanced Forum module giving even more advanced features to the module!!! What do you think everyone??? ;)

    P.S. I know this post is over 3 years old but because Nadri modification does not alter (DB) database in way that it cannot be easily repaired and only creates new tables and fields that can be easily removed, it is worth keeping alive to implement into new versions of the advanced forum modules. I shall further look into this!

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