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Nulled Advanced Rating System 4.2.3

Discussion in 'Плагины - Plugins' started by nadri, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. nadri Thread starter Administrator

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    My version of SE:
    Here - Fully Nulled Plugin - Advanced Rating System 4.2.3 by SE Pro
    Plugin now work as STAND-ALONE plugin, without asking any 'Core Plugin', or any License.
    You may install it, and use it.

    P.S. It's took me almost 2 days to hunting down all bugs in plugin...I don't believe that plugin maker made so many bugs in it..


    • 4 different types of rating (5 Stars,10 start, Numbers, Like - Unlike)
    • 3 different counting of rating
    • Rating on ajax technology
    • Flexibility with member level restrictions
    • Rate Members
    • Rate Album Photos
    • Rate Album - Added
    • Rate Classifieds
    • Rate Blogs
    • Rate Groups
    • Rate Events
    • Rate Polls
    • Rate Music Playlists
    • Rate Events - Added
    • Rate Articles - Added
    • Rating widget, which you may integrate on any other plugin.
    • Who votes ajax based function like a facebook
    • Email notification and standart notification
    • Action in activity feed
    • Most rating page
    • My rating page
    • Rate photo page, which allow your users rate random photos on special page.
    • Most rated member with his content widget
    • Latest Rated profile widget
    • Most rated members widget
    • Most rated album photos widget
    • Most rated classifieds widget
    • Most rated blogs widget
    • Most rated groups widget
    • Most rated events widget
    • Most rated polls widget
    • Most rated music playlists widget
    • Admin manage rating page
    • Mobile compatibility
    Remember, this Nulled version is just for Testing and Education purpose, if you like this Plugin, buy it from Plugin Maker.

    Here are some SS of this plugin:

    Attached Files:

  2. apelsin User

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    My version of SE:
    Почему то не работает.. инсталяция проходит успешно, без замечаний.. после появляется в главном меню пункт most rated. Система почти голая, единственное что стоит это he core и модуль like. Отключил модули, но все равно опции оценки контента, нигде нет.. Надеялся, что в редакторе макета есть виджет, но кроме обощающих виджетов в разделе нет...

    Did you test dear Nadri this module on your 4.2.5 system?
  3. nadri Thread starter Administrator

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    My version of SE:
    Of course I'm - from where I get these ScreenShots??
    On my Local server all works OK.

    Last test is on 4.2.6
    --- добавлено: Aug 14, 2012 8:27 AM ---
    Which plugins you have installed on your site?

    If you don't have ANY plugin on site, or if no Rates at all, the Most Rated page will be empty

    I tested again, from scratch, install a fresh one SE, then few plugins, and Advanced Rate System, at the end - and ALL works like clockworks.
    socialthai likes this.
  4. apelsin User

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    My version of SE:
    I have installed : video, music, votes, blogs, groups, chat, events, advanced articles, he core (not nulled) and likes 4.2.0.p3 plugins. So there's no any rate feature on the modules....
  5. nadri Thread starter Administrator

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    My version of SE:
    No ofenses - but, are you THAT geek?
    In first post read which Plugin can be used...
    Look at picture below, since you are a Geek 100% - no ofenses.....

    Attached Files:

  6. apelsin User

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    Sorry Nadri, you're right!
  7. nadri Thread starter Administrator

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    Of course I'm - I'm always in right :hahaha:
  8. apelsin User

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    My version of SE:
    But there's one problem, once I installed the widget in the proper block of blog for example, it's not clickable... Probaby I do need to change attributes on the mofule files or not?
  9. nadri Thread starter Administrator

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    My version of SE:
    Before starting your tongue, power ON your brain.
    You CAN'T rate your own items. You CAN rate others users items ONLY ( Blogs, Photos, Classifieds, Polls......)
  10. Патрик User

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    My version of SE:
    My version of Oxwall:
    Огромнейшее THANKS!!! SE 4.2.6 Полет нормальный!! :thumbup:
    nadri likes this.

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