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Problem menu

Discussion in 'Прочая Поддержка - Help Requests' started by xshaanx, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. xshaanx Thread starter User

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    ok guyz im lil confused or maybe im missing something somewhere need ur help to build this module

    i have attach the file can u ck to c what was i doing wrong or missing?

    well when i install this module some reason it's not showing in admin panel under plugins menu but it shows in Manage Packages were all the module is..

    cud anyone help me fix this issue pls

    thanks adv..

    anyone who can help with this pls
  2. nadri Administrator

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    My version of SE:
    There is a numerous things what is go wrong. First, maybe you have an incomplete module - probably something missing in my.sql file
    If you use nulled module, everything is possible..
  3. xshaanx Thread starter User

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    nadri im sorry im not using any nulld plgin what im tryn to say that i want to make my won plugin based on what i need. cud you guide me to make my won plugin u don't have to guide me all the way but some basic staff which im so confused.. ok were do i add admin menus iteam for the plugin like when u go to admin and click on plugin that u want to configure.. bc i create module from social engine using create package and made some changes and install back it shows that module install good but it dosen't show on plugin menu were all the plugin show after install can you pls help me im stil tryn to understand this socilaengine thanks adv and sorry for my eng..

    wow guyz anyone who can help..
  4. nadri Administrator

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    My version of SE:
    Sorry, but your English is HORROR......try learn even basic english, and then post.
    I can't understand what you wanna to say in your post at all!
  5. xshaanx Thread starter User

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    nadri thanks for your complements...

    Okay, can you tell me when you create a plugin or module, where do I edit or input the code to make changes on that plugin from SE admins account?

    and another question is where do I input the code for the plugin to show admin plugin menu after the installations.
  6. nadri Administrator

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    My version of SE:
    My words isn't a complements - you MUST learn English ( I'm self-learner, to) ;)
    My English isn't good, but it's fare, fare beyond yours..:)

    The best way to find out how stuff works is to open some module, and learn from it
    In order to make visible something into AP, you need to put some code into engine4_core_menuitems table
    Open some Module, and find in my.sql how that looks like..

    As example - Module Albums - just part of code:
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `engine4_core_menuitems` (`name`, `module`, `label`, `plugin`, `params`, `menu`, `submenu`, `order`) VALUES
    ('album_admin_main_settings', 'album', 'Global Settings', '', '{"route":"admin_default","module":"album","controller":"settings"}', 'album_admin_main', '', 2);
    Code above insert in db Menu in AP - Global Settings
    Next, you can see from this code which Controller is connected to that - in this case: AdminSettingsController.php
    Php in AdminSettingsController.php contain code for this purpose - in your case, you must write your own code for specific duties - for your Module.
    Try to see connections between these stuff above, and you will gonna learn something, in time.
    Create of SE Modules isn't so easy job, be aware of that.

    Your question is too complex to get simple answers, that need a mile of text, and I don't have time to learn you from scratch - try something by yourself.
    Believe me, or not, I started to mess with SE little more than 3 yrs ago, and I learned ALL by yourself. Nobody helps me, at all!
    xshaanx likes this.

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