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Nulled Plugin [HE] Highlight Members 4.5.0 nulled plugin

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by SPQR, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. SPQR Thread starter Super-Moderator

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    Fully, and properly nulled HE - Highlight Members 4.5.0 plugin

    - Plugin can be installed, and work without HE Core module.
    - Plugin needs previously installed HE Credits plugin - this isn't dependency, but if you have installed HE Credits plugin, your members CAN buy Highlights positions through that plugin.(Screen Shot 6)
    - Plugin is tested on SE 4.6.0 with HE Credits 4.2.8p2 - I try with earlier version of Credits plugin, but something won't work if you use older versions than 4.2.8p2. Probably because Highlights is a among recent HE Plugins.

    - Since I don't have any db dumps for plugin HE Highlights, I do my best to null this shit, so if you find some errors, please let me know, and don't be angry on Me :oops:

    INSTALLATION: Through Admin Panel, fully automated. After installation, go in Layout Editor, and drag & drop new widgets, as is showed on ss 7.

    Attached Files:

  2. MisterWizard Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    Does this module install, by default, the widgets where they belong or do they manually have to be place as well as configured? Great Share!!!
  3. SPQR Thread starter Super-Moderator

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    As is write above - manually drag&drop on to places, as showed on pic ! Learn to read first !:sarchnd:
    --- добавлено: Sep 2, 2013 5:33 PM ---
    I need to purge db tables, to cut out sufficient columns...pffff......but, this plugin works either with these sufficient columns....
    Poor me, I added more column, just in case.....hehehe :manijak:
    MisterWizard likes this.
  4. MisterWizard Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    You are silly, some modules will put the necessary widgets where they belong by default during install. Tell ya what... I'll work on the reading and you work on comprehending, okay? LOL
  5. SPQR Thread starter Super-Moderator

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    I don't wanna to do like that, ass****, because these widget have auto pop-up when you drag & drop on to desired position.
    Are you think that I'm not capable to set shitty widgets to be automatically positioned on places??? :sarchnd:

    victoriris likes this.
  6. MisterWizard Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    victoriris and SPQR like this.
  7. SPQR Thread starter Super-Moderator

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    ps. My comprehending is totally OK. What about yours? :spin:
  8. MisterWizard Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    It's Advanced, but know eventually you catch up, no worries okay? lol
    --- добавлено: Sep 2, 2013 5:54 PM ---
    Just check out your screens shots... they are more complete than Hire-Experts. They don't show transaction example in module configuration for credits plugin but yours does. Very good!
  9. SPQR Thread starter Super-Moderator

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    Because of My comprehending....:hahaha: major problem with their plugin is size of pictures in middle block....they do that in hurry, and made big mistake.....all pics of Highlighted members was just a center part of picture, if you have big picture as profile photo, only visible part was your belly..:hahaha:
  10. MisterWizard Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    Just installed but widget doesn't show up in Member Home Page even after setting up highlighted members.
    --- добавлено: Sep 2, 2013 6:46 PM ---
    Figured it out, you have to have member fields picked before it will show on page. Is there a way to add configuration for changing highlighted size to say size of Featured Member widget like in hecore?

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