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Retail [SKZ] theBook Theme- 4.6.0 (Retail)

Discussion in 'Templates & Styles' started by MisterWizard, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. MisterWizard Thread starter Moderator

    • Moderator
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    My version of SE:
    [Skayz Theme- thebook- 4.6.0+ complete widgets][IMG]


    • [IMG]
      A catchy Landing Page, a clean and friendly layout with a boxed-app design, a Header with what your members will get accustomed immediately.
    • [IMG]
      Endless color possibilities, that can be changed with ease, by changing few color codes in constants.css
    • [IMG]
      Landing Page with wide background image to make it very meaningful and attractive.
    • [IMG]
      A boxed News Feed, easy to read, focused on content, that attracts users to read, and mostly to post.
    • [IMG]
      Simple footer with copyright notice, footer menu and language select menu.
    • [IMG]
      Go To Top button, slightly animated with Mootools
    • [IMG]
      Link-Buttons to your Facebook and Twitter pages.
    • [IMG]
      Optimized to adapt nicely on tablets.
    • Landing Page is generated by Thebook Homewidget, that contains:
      • A wide background image.
      • Two headlines, which can make your website more SEO friendly.
      • Sign Up(*1st step of the signup process).
      • Setting to choose the background image.
    • The Thebook Menuwidget, used in the header, contains:
      • Logo
      • Search Box
      • Main Menu with a drop-down menu
      • Login form and Signup button.
      • Mini Menu as a drop-down menu
      • Member's Thumb as a Profile Button
      • Improved Notifications(Updates) Box
      • Settings to select: a smaller Logo that will appear only for Members; a bigger Logo only for non-loggedin users; the number of Main Menu items before dropdown menu occurs; if you want the Header to be fixed on top.
    • Footer area is generated by Thebook Footerwidget, that contains:
      • Copyright Notice
      • Footer Menu (***standard SE Footer Menu)
      • Language select box
    • The Member Thumb widget, was built to be used on the Member Home Page instead of the default User Photo widget, containing the user's thumbnail, user's name as a profile link, and Edit My Profile link.
    • The Tabbed Members widget, is another widget we have built to be used on the Landing Page, but it can be used in other places on your website as well. This widget has settings to select the number of members to be shown in each tab, to choose what tabs to show, and more.
    • Invite Button widget
    • IM Chat professionally redesigned[IMG]
    • All theme's texts can be edited and/or translated with ease, trough the Language Manager, in your SE administration panel
    • Works and looks perfect with all official SE plugins
    • Matching theme colors for SE Mobile Plugin
    • Supports Right-To-Left(RTL) alignemnt
    • NO modifications of the SE core script
    • Tested with all modern browsers (*IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Maxthon).
    • Best HTML5 + CSS3 practices and techniques used for styling.
    • Free Theme Installation and Logo Installation, at request.
    • Illustrated Step-by-Step Installation Guide, for an easy installation and configuration.
    • Instant Download.
    *this theme is only for SocialEngine PHP v4, and the plugins(*Albums, Blogs, Events, Forum, Music, Polls, Chat & IM, Classifieds, Groups, Mobile, Video) or SocialEngine itself, shown in the theme's screenshots are NOT part of our template, the template changes just their design, and you can purchase them fromSocialEngine Store

    **this theme might resemble Facebook, but it will NOT look exactly like Facebook, and we will NOT, under any circumstances, provide customization that might make this theme more similar to Facebook. This theme was made for those who want to offer to their members a layout/style with what they are accustomed.

    ***after your successful payment for this product you will receive to your e-mail, a Download ID/Link. Download the theme package, extract the files, using a software like7-ZIP, and follow the INSTRUCTIONS you find inside to install the theme.

    Attached Files:

  2. johannes1963 User

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    My version of SE:
    thnx for uploading:)

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