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Retail Plugin [YN] Advanced Feed Notification- 4.01p2

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by MisterWizard, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. MisterWizard Thread starter Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    Modules2Buy/YouNet = Provided to be nulled by who so ever wants to null!
    Advanced Feed Notification

    Advanced Feed Notification allows members to receive all types of notification associated with their feeds under small box in the left bottom corner. Members therefore get updated notifications and click to view new notifications easily.
    SE compatibility: 4.3.x – 4.6.x
    Product version:4.01p3
    Notice: This module is fully compatible with SE standard themes and YouNet themes.
    If you use custom template, please submit ticket in the Client Area to get help from us.
    This module requires YouNetCore plug-in to verify license.
    YouNetCore plug-in could be found on our Client Area.
    Key Features

    • Members will receive all updated notifications associated with their feeds
    • Notification will be popped-up on the left bottom corner like Facebook
    • Enable admin to set global settings, style settings and sound alert for all notifications
    • Enable Member to turn on/off sound alert
    • Features
    • Screenshots
    Front End

    • Home: View Photo
      • Show background and profile photo on notification message
      • Navigate to notification page when user click popped-up message
    • Sound Notification Setting: View Photo
      • Allow user to turn notification sound alert on or off
    Back End

    • Notification Settings: View Photo
      • Display Notification:Enable admin to define how many milliseconds before the notification boxes are hidden
      • Notification Refresh Time:Enable admin to define how many milliseconds before refreshing notifications
      • Show Photo In Notification message:Option to enable/disable profile picture in notification message box
    • Style Settings: View Photo
      • Message Background Color:Allow admin to choose background color for notification message
      • Text Color: Allow admin to set color of the text in notification message
    • Sound Alert Settings: View Photo
      • Choose Sound Alert:Allow admin to import sound alert
      • Play Sound Alert in Notification Message: Option for admin to enable/disable Sound Notification Setting

    Attached Files:

    naji123456, nadri and SPQR like this.
  2. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    Thanks, you are the man!
    Soon, this will be nulled, and re-posted as new Topic.
    nadri and MisterWizard like this.
  3. MisterWizard Thread starter Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    That is good! And will it be like others? No core required? ;)
  4. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    Of course, without YN Core module.
    Let me check this, and I will null that quickly
    --- добавлено: Aug 15, 2013 11:34 PM ---
    Plugin properly nulled, and can be installed and used without YN Core module.
    You can obtain it HERE.
    nadri and MisterWizard like this.
  5. naji123456 Novice member

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    My version of SE:
    My version of phpFox:
    My version of Oxwall:
    Thanks to this topic seriously
  6. Deskabytes Novice member

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    Hi guys!
    Someone can tell me how can i get access to download? :confused:
  7. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    Read what is write on very top of this page, and you will learn...

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