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Advanced Photo Albums Plugin (Retail)

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by Aeroaiei, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Aeroaiei Thread starter User

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    My version of SE:
    Note: This plugin is dependent on the SocialEngine Photo Albums Plugin.

    Advanced Photo Albums Plugin enhances the SocialEngine Photo Albums Plugin by providing attractive photo viewing experience, ability to showcase featured photos & albums, multiple useful widgets and a lot more valuable features. Your users will love the engaging photo browsing experience provided by this plugin.

    Plugin Features:
    • Feature rich, advanced and elegant Photo Viewer.
    • Attractive photo viewing experience seamlessly across photos on your website.
    • Well designed, widgetized Albums Home landing page enabling users to easily explore albums and photos.
    • AJAX based features to save time and resources.
    • New Social Features for greater user interest.
    • Photos Badge enabling users to show off their photos on external blogs and websites. This can be a great tool to attract more traffic to your site.
    • Photos Strip enabling users to showcase photos of their choice on their profile and make their profile appealing.
    • Quality Photos and Albums can be nicely showcased by making them Featured, Photo of the Day and Album of the Day.
    • 3 widgetized pages that can be configured using drag-and-drop widgets: Albums Home, Main Album Page, Main Photo Page.
    • Easy photos management in albums.
    • Multiple attractive and useful widgets.

    Photo Viewing (Theater Mode Viewer):
    • AJAX based quick photo browsing.
    • Lightbox AJAX viewer (Theater Mode):
      • Beautiful and crisp photo viewer.
      • New! Large and clear display of photos. Supports high resolution images.
      • Its design minimizes distraction while photo viewing, has improved navigation and better overall utility.
      • On the spot loading of photos in albums, widgets, activity feeds, etc on clicking their thumbnails.
      • Next & previous icons for jumping over images.
      • Keyboard Interactivity for user convenience and quick browsing: Keyboard based jumping over images. Left key for previous image and right key for next image. "Esc" key can be used to close the viewer / exit full-screen mode. Also, users can quickly "Like" a photo by pressing the "L" key.
      • Upon clicking the image in lightbox, it jumps to next image.
      • Likes and Comments for photos available within the lightbox and enable quick user interaction.
      • New! Right Interaction Panel: Comments and commenting have been moved to a right Interaction Panel next to the photo. Users no longer need to scroll down to comment on the photo. Increases interactivity.
      • Various other controls for image rotation, adding caption, tagging, sharing, downloading, etc available within the lightbox.
      • Fun and user friendly experience.
      • New! No browser scrolling for photos. The viewer and the photos automatically fit into the browser viewport area.
      • New! Fullscreen Mode: By clicking on an icon on photos in the viewer, users can switch to Fullscreen Mode for photo viewing. In supporting browser, this also switches the browser view to fullscreen mode, and in other browsers, it hides the right Interaction Panel to show a bigger photo.
      • New! "View All" option: Enables users to view all the photos belonging to the album of currently viewed photo in an attractive photo strip which smoothly slides out from the bottom of photo viewer.
      • New! More visibility for the Title and Caption of photos: The Title and Caption of photos are displayed prominently in the right Interaction Panel. Additionally, in Fullscreen Mode, Photo Title and Caption appear in an attractive fading tooltip on photos. Another utility this brings to this plugin is that of "Photo Essays" feature.
      • Integration with Advertisements / Community Ads Plugin enable attractive advertising within the photo lightbox. Community Ads are intelligently displayed at the bottom of the right Interaction Panel. Space occupied by comments on a photo is auto-detected to decide whether an Ad should appear in the interaction panel.
      • Admin can customize the color theme of photo lightbox.
    • Integrated with photos from Groups Plugin, Events Plugin, Directory / Pages Plugin, Listings / Catalog Showcase Plugin, Recipes Plugin and can even be integrated with Any 3rd Party Plugin! This greatly helps in bringing uniformity and excellence in the photo viewing experience across your website.
    • Activity Feeds Integration: Clicking on photos in activity feeds loads them on the spot in the lightbox viewer.

    Photos and Albums Showcasing:
    • Featured Albums:
      • Good quality or important albums can be made featured to highlight them.
      • Site Admin can easily make/remove albums as featured from admin panel or main album page.
      • Featured Albums Slideshow widget for showcasing featured albums.
    • Album of the Day: Enables an album to be highly showcased for a day. Site Admin can easily mark an album as this from the admin panel or main album page.
    • Featured Photos:
      • Good quality or important photos can be made featured to highlight them.
      • Site Admin can easily make/remove photos as featured from admin panel or main photo page/lightbox.
      • AJAX based highly configurable Featured Photos Carousel for showcasing featured photos.
    • Photo of the Day: Enables a photo to be highly showcased for a day. Site Admin can easily mark a photo as this from the admin panel or main photo page/lightbox.
    • The above 4 are available as drag-and-drop widgets.

    Albums Home: [IMG]
    • Widgetized and customize-able by admin using Layout Editor. Widgets can be easily moved, added or removed.
    • Special widgets like Featured Photos, AJAX tabbed widgets for photos and albums, Photo of the Day, Featured Albums, etc make this page looks attractive and engaging to explore.

    Main Album Page: [IMG]
    • Easy drag-and-drop mechanism for adjusting sequence of photos in albums by owners.
    • 2 views available for photos: Album View, Comment View. This is admin controllable. Users can easily switch between the 2 views. Comment View displays comments on all photos of an album in a nice manner.
    • Useful widgets showing people tagged in the album, photo albums of friends, etc further enhance this page.

    Photos Strip: [IMG]
    • Users can configure attractive looking Photos Strip for their Profile using their photos. They can use it to showcase their best photos.
    • Photos Strip widget is shown below user's name on their profile.
    • Clicking on photos in the strip loads them on the spot in the lightbox viewer.

    Photos Badge:
    • Photo Badges enable users to show off their photos from your community on external blogs or websites.
    • This can be a great tool to attract more traffic to your site as badges contain site title and link back to the site. Every photo is also linked back to the site.
    • Multiple configuration options enable users to highly customize their badge.
    • Users can create unlimited number of photo badges.

    User Profile Photos:
    • Photos tab on user profiles also shows the photos that the users are tagged in.

    • This plugin contains 3 widgetized pages: Albums Home, Main Album Page, Main Photo Page. The available widgets can be placed at desired locations using Layout Editor and various settings for them can be configured:
      • AJAX based tabbed widget for Albums: Recent, Most Liked, Most Viewed, Most Commented, Featured, Random.
      • AJAX based tabbed widget for Photos: Recent, Most Liked, Most Viewed, Most Commented, Featured, Random.
      • Album of the Day
      • Photo of the Day
      • Featured Albums
      • Featured Photos
      • Featured Albums Slideshow
      • Featured Photos Carousel
      • Friends' Album Photos
      • Friends' Photos
      • In this Album (people tagged)
      • Member Profile Albums and Photos
      • Member Profile Photos Strip
      • Popular Albums
      • Popular Photos
      • Recent Photos
      • You and Owner (album photos in which both viewer and owner are tagged.)
        and more..

    • Configure plugin settings for photos badges, comment view in albums.
    • Enable / disable advanced lighbox viewer (theater mode).
    • Configure lightbox color theme.
    • Widget Settings for various widgets available with this plugin.
    • Mark albums as featured and album of the day.
    • Manage featured albums and albums marked as album of the day.
    • Mark photos as featured and photo of the day.
    • Manage featured photos and photos marked as photo of the day.
    • Show/hide default albums that are created in the SE Photo Albums Plugin like: 'Profile Photos', 'Wall Photos', 'Blog Photos' and 'Message Photos', etc, and their photos from Albums Home, various widgets, etc. Admin can choose settings such that these albums and their photos will only be available on user profiles.

    Attached Files:

    kalunga2013, CyberSpy and satsuke like this.
  2. mdyro Novice member

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    My version of phpFox:
    My version of Oxwall:
    Thanks for the very useful plugin.
  3. Igor O. Semenov User

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    Can I look somewhere at the given plug-in (some site)?
  4. SPQR Super-Moderator

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    You have links n first post..
  5. Igor O. Semenov User

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    Ok. Sorted out
    SPQR likes this.
  6. CyberSpy User

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    Any chance that someone knows how (and is willing to) null this? (Or is there an older nulled version to upgrade to this). This, along with the SEAddons Wall is top of my list of needed plugins.

    Thanks in advance.
  7. Igor O. Semenov User

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    Maybe someone is on the engine this plugin, want to see the work and evaluate the possibilities? Please give me a link. Thanks in advance.
  8. Igor O. Semenov User

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    Looked plugin the network. Really liked!!!
  9. Igor O. Semenov User

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    For some reason, the plugin does not, writes:
    The SocialEngineAddOns Core Plugin is not installed on your site. Please download the latest version of this FREE plugin from your Client Area on SocialEngineAddOns.
  10. Igor O. Semenov User

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