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Request SocialEngine Video Feed Plugin Plz Plz i need this nulled plugin please help me

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by Lesli Cruise, May 14, 2014.

  1. Lesli Cruise Thread starter Novice member

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    My version of SE:
    My version of phpFox:
    My version of Oxwall:
    SocialEngine Video Feed Plugin

    $50 / license
    Current Version:
    v4.06 for SEv4
    v3.26 for SEv3
    Add to Cart

    This plugin allows your social network to have dynamic, content rich videos on your website without lifting your fingers. Great utility for displaying videos for your community. It doesn't require you to upload any of the actual video content to your server. This plugin would dynamically pull in YouTube content based on varieties of settings and filters that you specify in admin area. Members can also associated their YouTube accounts which would get listed on their profile page as well as member feeds.
    Key Features

    Built-in Widgets

    Below are built-in widgets with a lot of configuration options / settings allowing you to customize the video feedpages via Layout Editor anyway you like.
    General Widgets

    • List-Query Video Feeds: display a set of videos that match a particular search term. The API supports a variety of standard Google Data query parameters and custom parameters specifically related to video search. For example, you can search for videos uploaded by a particular author or videos associated with a particular YouTube category.
      • Title Header
      • Max Items (control number of videos to be displayed)
      • Sorting (varieties of ordering, such as relevance, published date, view count, or rating)
      • Author (only video uploaded by a particular YouTube account)
      • Keyword (match videos with certain tags, search string)
      • Category (restrict video in selected category)
      • Restriction (only display video per country restriction rule)
      • Time (limit video published within defined period, such as 24 hours, weekly, monthly etc..)
      • Duration (video length: short, medium, or long)
      • Safe-Search (restrict content mode: none, strict, moderate)
      • Display Style: support 4 different types of displaying video result
        • Wide mode (main / middle column)
        • Narrow mode (narrow / left & right side column)
        • Slideshow format
        • News Ticker format
      • Display Output (control what to show: photo, meta, description)
    • Standard Video Feeds: standard feeds are lists of videos that either reflect YouTube user behavior, such as top-rated and most viewed video feeds, or were selected by YouTube staff, such as recently featured and mobile video feeds. You can filter videos by feed type, category, region etc.. and control how videos would be displayed.
      • Title Header
      • Max Items (control number of videos to be displayed)
      • Feed Type (Top Rated, Favorties, Most Viewed/Popular/Recent/Discussed/Responded, Recently Featured)
      • Category (restrict video in selected category)
      • Region (only display video in certain region)
      • Display Style: support 4 different types of displaying video result
        • Wide mode (main / middle column)
        • Narrow mode (narrow / left & right side column)
        • Slideshow format
        • News Ticker format
      • Display Output (control what to show: photo, meta, description)
    • Main Menu Navigation: (Browse Petitions | My Petitions | Share New Files)
    • Search Form: display form to search for petitions
    Profile Integration Widgets

    • Profile (Member) Video Feed: Displays a member video feed on Member Profile page.
      • Title Header
      • Max Items (control number of videos to be displayed)
      • Sorting (varieties of ordering, such as relevance, published date, view count, or rating)
      • Display Output (control what to show: photo, meta, description)
    Video Profile Widgets

    Below are built-in widgets which let you build Video Profile Page (view sample page) via Layout Editor
    • Video Profile - Breadcrumb: display navigation path to the video in breadcrumb style
    • Video Profile - Related Videos: display videos related to main current viewing video, as determined by YouTube, on its profile.
    • Video Profile - Social Shares: displays a petition's social shares such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg etc..using AddThis service.
    Member Feed Profile Widgets

    Below are built-in file widgets which let you build Member Feed Profile Page (view sample page) via Layout Editor
    • Member Video Feed - Breadcrumb: displays a member video feed's breadcrumb on its profile.
    • Member Video Feed - Member: displays member's photo and display name on its profile.
    • Member Video Feed - Social Shares: displays social shares such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg using AddThis service on its profile.

    • Manage / search member video feeds
    • Pre-Filterring for browse / search videos such as main keyword, category, country restriction, search-search
    • Permission to view: no, yes and for owner only, all petitions
    • Permission to create: no, yes
    • etc..

    For demonstration purposes, we have turned off some options / features on purpose to prevent abuse. Some pages may require you to log in or special permissions, please feel free to create an account for full test-drive experience.

    Below are selected sample screenshots in admin control panel. For user front-end screenshot, please check out the live demo section above.
    Please Help I need this plugin, I will be very thankful to you.
  2. zozo Novice member

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    ЕRadcodes Core Library is required for installing Radcodes Vidfeeder plugin. [Installed v0 - Required v3.22]
  3. Lesli Cruise Thread starter Novice member

    Message Count:
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    My version of SE:
    My version of phpFox:
    My version of Oxwall:
    ok i think i will have to buy it and then i will put it in here... for every one. thanks for the advice

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