Как сделать,чтобы сообщения в переписке отображались не сверху вниз по дате,а новые сообщения отображались вверху,ну как вконтакте фактически.
Как понимаю это вот тут делается:
* SocialEngine
* @category Application_Core
* @package Messages
* @copyright Copyright 2006-2010 Webligo Developments
* @license http://www.socialengine.net/license/
* @version $Id: view.tpl 7904 2010-12-03 03:36:14Z john $
* @author John
<div class="headline">
<?php echo $this->translate('My Messages');?>
<div class="tabs">
// Render the menu
echo $this->navigation()
<?php if( '' != ($title = trim($this->conversation->getTitle())) ): ?>
<?php echo $title ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $this->translate('(No Subject)') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="message_view_between">
$you = array_shift($this->recipients);
$you = $this->htmlLink($you->getHref(), ($you==$this->viewer()?$this->translate('You'):$you->getTitle()));
$them = array();
foreach ($this->recipients as $r) {
if ($r != $this->viewer()) {
$them[] = ($r==$this->blocker?"<s>":"").$this->htmlLink($r->getHref(), $r->getTitle()).($r==$this->blocker?"</s>":"");
} else {
$them[] = $this->htmlLink($r->getHref(), $this->translate('You'));
if (count($them)) echo $this->translate('Between %1$s and %2$s', $you, $this->fluentList($them));
else echo 'Conversation with a deleted member.';
<ul class="message_view">
<?php foreach( $this->messages as $message ):
$user = $this->user($message->user_id); ?>
<div class='message_view_leftwrapper'>
<div class='message_view_photo'>
<?php echo $this->htmlLink($user->getHref(), $this->itemPhoto($user, 'thumb.icon')) ?>
<div class='message_view_from'>
<?php echo $this->htmlLink($user->getHref(), $user->getTitle()) ?>
<p class="message_view_date">
<?php echo $this->timestamp($message->date) ?>
<div class='message_view_info'>
<?php echo nl2br(html_entity_decode($message->body)) ?>
<?php if( !empty($message->attachment_type) && null !== ($attachment = $this->item($message->attachment_type, $message->attachment_id))): ?>
<div class="message_attachment">
<?php if(null != ( $richContent = $attachment->getRichContent(false, array('message'=>$message->conversation_id)))): ?>
<?php echo $richContent; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="message_attachment_photo">
<?php if( null !== $attachment->getPhotoUrl() ): ?>
<?php echo $this->itemPhoto($attachment, 'thumb.normal') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="message_attachment_info">
<div class="message_attachment_title">
<?php echo $this->htmlLink($attachment->getHref(array('message'<=$message->conversation_id)), $attachment->getTitle()) ?>
<div class="message_attachment_desc">
<?php echo $attachment->getDescription() ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<li class='message_quick_entry'>
<div class='message_view_leftwrapper'>
<div class='message_view_photo'>
<div class='message_view_from'>
<p class="message_view_date">
<div class='message_view_info'>
<?php if( !$this->blocked || (count($this->recipients)>1)): ?>
<?php echo $this->form->setAttrib('id', 'messages_form_reply')->render($this) ?>
<?php else:?>
<?php echo $this->translate('You can no longer respond to this message because %1$s has blocked you.', $this->blocker->getTitle())?>
<?php endif; ?>
->appendFile($this->baseUrl() . '/externals/mdetect/mdetect' . ( APPLICATION_ENV != 'development' ? '.min' : '' ) . '.js')
<script type="text/javascript">
var composeInstance;
en4.core.runonce.add(function() {
var tel = new Element('div', {
'id' : 'compose-tray',
'styles' : {
'display' : 'none'
}).inject($('submit'), 'before');
var mel = new Element('div', {
'id' : 'compose-menu'
}).inject($('submit'), 'after');
// @todo integrate this into the composer
if( !Browser.Engine.trident && !DetectMobileQuick() && !DetectIpad() ) {
composeInstance = new Composer('body', {
overText : false,
menuElement : mel,
trayElement: tel,
baseHref : '<?php echo $this->baseUrl() ?>',
hideSubmitOnBlur : false,
allowEmptyWithAttachment : false,
submitElement: 'submit',
type: 'message'
<?php foreach( $this->composePartials as $partial ): ?>
<?php echo $this->partial($partial[0], $partial[1]) ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
А именно в этом фрагменте:
<?php foreach( $this->messages as $message ):
$user = $this->user($message->user_id); ?>
<div class='message_view_leftwrapper'>
<div class='message_view_photo'>
<?php echo $this->htmlLink($user->getHref(), $this->itemPhoto($user, 'thumb.icon')) ?>
<div class='message_view_from'>
<?php echo $this->htmlLink($user->getHref(), $user->getTitle()) ?>
<p class="message_view_date">
<?php echo $this->timestamp($message->date) ?>
<div class='message_view_info'>
<?php echo nl2br(html_entity_decode($message->body)) ?>
<?php if( !empty($message->attachment_type) && null !== ($attachment = $this->item($message->attachment_type, $message->attachment_id))): ?>
<div class="message_attachment">
<?php if(null != ( $richContent = $attachment->getRichContent(false, array('message'=>$message->conversation_id)))): ?>
<?php echo $richContent; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="message_attachment_photo">
<?php if( null !== $attachment->getPhotoUrl() ): ?>
<?php echo $this->itemPhoto($attachment, 'thumb.normal') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="message_attachment_info">
<div class="message_attachment_title">
<?php echo $this->htmlLink($attachment->getHref(array('message'<=$message->conversation_id)), $attachment->getTitle()) ?>
<div class="message_attachment_desc">
<?php echo $attachment->getDescription() ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>