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[CEOfox] Photo Importer 4.1.1 (Nulled)

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by wum, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. wum Thread starter User

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    My version of SE:
    Photo Importer 4.1.1

    Photo Importer is a Social Engine based plugin which help users import their photos from other social networks (such as Facebook, the largest social network on the world) or image hosting providers (such as Flickr, one of largest image hosting providers). By using this plugin, user save their time on migrate/copy their photos from other resources (Facebook, Flickr, Google+) instead of uploading again too much photos so as not to waste their time.

    A. Compatibility:
    Work with Social Engine version 4.1.x - 4.2.x
    Work nice with almost modern browser like Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer.

    B. Features:
    1/ Front End:
    - Album Privacy Settings
    a) Facebook:
    - Login/Authorization
    - Import all albums/photos
    - Import selected albums
    - Import selected photos in album
    B ) Flickr
    - Login/Authorization
    - Import all photos or selected photos from Photo Stream
    - Import all photo sets or selected photo sets from Photo Sets
    - Import all photos or selected photos in a photo set
    - Import all galleries or selected galleries from Photo Galleries
    - Import all photos or selected photos in a photo gallery
    c) Google+
    - Login/Authorization
    - Import all albums/photos
    - Import selected albums
    - Import selected photos in album
    2/ Back End:
    - Global Settings
    - Member Level Settings:
    - View/Import permission
    - Number of albums allow to import
    - Number of photos allow to import
    - Clean Garbage: when using this plugin, it will cause some garbage if user imported their photos and then delete them for their reasons. This tool allow administration to clean garbage, delete all unused records which help your database lighter and faster.
    Flickr API Settings
    - Knowledge Base: some articles to getting familiar with our plugin.

    C. Note:
    If you have any problems with this plugin please send us via email support@ceofox.com.

    D. Demo:
    Try our demo here http://se4demo.ceofox.com
    E. Requires:
    CEOfox Core for Social Engine: NO LONGER NEEDED-NULLED

    NOTE: This module no longer requires the CEOfox core module. It has no developer core dependency.

    Attached Files:

  2. MisterWizard Moderator

    • Moderator
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    This share is a good share from the other forum. I should know. It is my null of the module! LMAO
    SPQR likes this.

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