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Custom menu 4.6.0

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by bartuspan, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. bartuspan Thread starter User

    Message Count:
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    My version of SE:
    • drop-down menu elements;
    • special menu items (User Avatar, User Avatar with profile link, Updates, Search, Horizontal divider);
    • drag-and-drop sorting in admin panel;
    • menu items display based on user levels;
    • sticky menu option for each "Custom menu" widget;
    • icons support;
    • description field for each menu item;
    • standard menu and plugins menus support;
    • Mobile plugin (SE) support;
    • JSON reorder, render optimization;
    • horizontal divider;
    • responsive layout;
    • Sticky option for each "Custom menu" widget.
    • Custom menu drag-and-drop widget.
    Admin settings:
    All additional settings provided with this plugin will be added to the User Menu administrative
    page and will be available for every menu item after installation, namely:
    • Add Special Item button;
    • User Levels visibility option;
    • field Icon.
    Current version is 4.6.0p3. It is fully compatible with SocialEngine version 4.3.0 - 4.6.0
    - 4.6.0p3 (August 16, 2013): fixed animation issues in Google Chrome; added auto top position for sticky sidebars.
    - 4.6.0p2 (August 9, 2013): fixed sticky option script and css.
    - 4.6.0p1 (July 22, 2013): fixed issues with reoder and mini menu.

    Test user account
    log-in: test_user@gmail.com
    password: 123456

    Our representative will gladly answer your questions as to functionality and customization.

    How-To: Custom menu

    Installation Video

    Attached Files:

    dreadfull_new and SPQR like this.

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