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Free Plugin [HE] Likes Plugin (Retail)

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by MisterWizard, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. MisterWizard Thread starter Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    Likes plugin [IMG]

    Get all existing and future Hire-Experts plugins
    Likes is one way of sharing and personal selecting important content on social network. This plugin improves this major feature of social networking - it makes things simple, user-friendly and powerful, at the same time.

    Like plugin is seamlessly integrated with Social Engine. It lets your members to easily "like" members, photos, events, groups, Pages, etc; promote own Profile, Event, Groups and Business Page using Like Box and Like Button, allows to suggest to friends, send an announcement to members who liked, etc. Facebook styled interfaces allows members to easily and comfortably use Likes feature. Don't waste your time for doubt if you like to get extended and user friendly `Likes` for your social network!

    Likes plugin features:
    • Smash User Interfaces! Facebook styled interfaces - fully based on Ajax(no-page-loads!), simple but stylish UI.
    • Seamlessly integrated with Social Engine. Likes is integrated with SE core likes so now users can like all standard things in Social Engine: members, photos, videos, events, groups, blogs, music and polls. Profile owner is able to disable/enable `liking`.
    • Likes controls. Likes plugins has value controls which allows to content owner to promote content not only within your site. The following controls are implemented for now: Suggest to Friends, Send an Update and Promote. Likes controls are available at Member Profile, Events, Groups and Pages.
    • Send an Update. Owner of Profile/Page/Event/Group can send an update(announcement) to members who liked it.
    • Promote. It lets profile/page owner to promote his page using `Like Box` and `Like Button`. Members can get code and put it on any page around the web, these Like widgets are very similar to facebook like plugins - member can put `like button` on own blog's page so all visitors are able to view how many people and who from friends liked it, they can like it by one click without leaving the blog page(visitor is authenticated in popup window if he is not logged in yet).
    • Widgets. We provide wide range widgets which can be put on any page using Layout Editor in admin panel.
      These widgets support periods ie you can show most liked things per week, month and overall. Note that it is fully configurable.
      Check some of available widgets so if you have installed appropriate plugins then they will be automatically supported:
      ● `Suggestion to Like` - it shows a random Member(Page) to like as suggestion. This widget can be put on any wished page;
      ● `Likes` - it displays things that member liked. It should be put on Member Profile/Business Page;
      ● `Members Like This` - it shows members who liked this Profile/Page. It should be put on Member Profile/Business Page;
      ● `Profile Like Status` - this widget just enables Like controls on Member/Event/Group page;
      ● `Most Liked Members` - displays most liked members;
      ● `Most Liked Events` - displays most liked events;
      ● `Most Liked Groups` - displays most liked groups;
      ● `Most Liked Pages` - displays most liked pages;
      ● `Profile Fields and Interests` - displays member's information and interests(likes);
      [IMG] `Most Liked Stores` - displays most liked stores, Store plugin(Hire-Experts);
      [IMG] `Most Liked Products` - displays most liked products, Store plugin(Hire-Experts);
      [IMG] `Most Liked Jobs` - displays most liked jobs, Jobs plugin(Radcodes);
      [IMG] `Most Liked Articles` - displays most liked articles, Articles plugin(Radcodes);
      and many more...
    • Matches. It automatically finds people with the same interests - matches, and suggests them to member. You can put this `Matches` widget on any wished page.
    • [IMG] Likes and Interests. Member's likes give valuable information, it describes member's personality - interests. Very stylish Interest page allows member to select liked: album, blog, music, video, group, event, page and product. Member's interests are shown on his profile along with his information.
    • Member Informative Popups. This is a nice tip shown on mouse over on member thumbnail or link like on Facebook. Smash popup contains member's info, mutual likes, options to contact and to friend.
    • Like buttons for non-logged users. Now it shows special message if user is not logged yet so it directs visitors to login or signup pages.
    • Mobile compatibility. It is seamlessly integrated with Touch-Mobile plugin so your members can like/unlike, view members likes, view various widgets and many more using mobile devices.
    • Brand Advertising. You can put your site logo on `Like Boxes` and `Like Buttons` which are put in pages around the web.
    • Member Level Restriction. Admin can control which member levels are allowed to use `Likes` for own pages.

    Requirements: SocialEngine version >= 4.18;

    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG][IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]

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