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Nulled Plugin [HE] Offers & Coupons plugin 4.2.2p5

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by GLands, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. GLands Thread starter User

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    My version of SE:
    Offers & Coupons plugin 4.2.2p5

    It is not easy to increase user base of a social network, and it is much complicated to have an active and engaged community. And one of the proven solutions is a social game play and rewarding.

    Make members of your network more involved with new possibilities presented in our new Offers & Coupons plugin. It allows members to get discounts and profitable offers on your site, it increases their constant interest and loyalty towards your social network. You can increase members activity and interaction by setting up special requirements to unlock offers: invite 5 new friends to get 50% discount at SPA Salon.

    It increases interest of small businesses to your social network, by giving them tools to provide beneficial offers and advertise the business to your community(Pages plugin). The more businesses are presented on the site the more options are available to grow your community and revenue.

    Finally, Offers & Coupons plugin is another great add-on in our plugins suite which helps:
    - to increase users engagement by giving them credits(Credits plugin) which can be used to get profitable offers;
    - to grow revenue by giving special(up-selling) offers in your store(Store plugin): offer a case at half price if the customer is going to purchase iPhone.

    Offers / Coupons plugin features:

    Attractive. It has a clean design, large images and clear fonts to attract more attention of members.

    Free Offers. You can create absolutely free offers and increase members loyalty to your site. It is enough to click on Accept Offer button to get the offer.

    Paid Offers. The type of offers which can be purchased for some fee. It allows members to purchase the offer via PayPal to get the offer benefits.

    Offers With Requirements. These offers are given to members for completing a determined actions(upload photos, like pages, check-in, etc). The easiest way to increase members interaction and keep your network active.

    Offers in Store. You can provide special discounts for purchasing bulk of products(up-selling). As soon as a member add the product into the shopping cart, it automatically suggests him to add another product to unlock the discounted offer. It is an attractive way to increase selling. Note, it is just an integration with Store plugin.

    Offer fields. Each offer has the following set of fields and options so you can create attractive and flexible offers:
    • Percentage or Real Cost - you can set discount in real price(for example, in USD) or in percentage, like 30%;
    • Time Left - you can set time limit for offer so it will be closed as soon as time expired;
    • Available Coupons - coupons count can be restricted so the offer will be closed when there is no available coupons, or you can set unlimited coupons count;
    • Redeem - you can set start and end redeem dates for each offer, otherwise redeem date will be unlimited;
    • Photos you can upload photo album for the offer to attract more attention. The photos will be displayed in a nice slide show;
    • HTML Description - using wysiwyg editor you can create an attractive description of the offer;
    • Map. Allows to set location details for the offer and display them on map;
    • Contact Information makes easy to reach the organizers of offers via provided phone number and website address;
    • Unique Coupon Code - you can generate unique coupon codes for each participant OR provide a coupon code which will be used by all participants;

    Categories. The offers and coupons are categorized to make it easy for members to browse.

    Activity Feed. Displays what's new for this offer and allows members to leave posts and comments on the offer profile page.

    Follow Offers. Allows members to follow an offer so when they fulfill all requirements of the offer, they will get an email notification to unlock the offer.

    Pages plugin integration provides all benefits of social pages which have a huge amount of tools to promote, interact and analyze. So if you have Pages plugin then there will be available Offers application for page owners to create any type of offers and coupons to promote their page. They will be listed on the page profile and Browse Offers sections. For example, cafe Latte can create special offer - 50% discount for dinners and it is enough to leave review and like their social page on your site. This allows to attract more attention to their business and increase revenue.

    Reviews. Participants are allowed to leave reviews for offers which are shown in a special tab on Offer Profile page. Each review goes with a title, message and 5-stars rate by various options - service, prices, food, security, etc. You can create as many options as you want in admin panel separately for each category. This feature is available if you have Rates plugin.

    Rewarding for Credits. If you have Credits plugin then you can improve social gaming by better rewarding - offers and coupons. You can provide special offers which can be unlocked(purchased) using credits, it is another way to increase users activity and engagement.

    Store plugin. Offer plugin extending the possibilities of store owners by allowing to set conditions for receiving a discount by user. For example: buy a t-shirt, hat and sun-glasses and receive a discount on all further purchases.

    Email to Friends. Members can email the received offer to any specified email addresses.

    My Offers section displays list of unlocked offers for the member, where is available two sections: Upcoming and Past offers. It is enough to mark any active offer as used to move it to Past Offers section.

    Print. Members are allowed to print unlocked offers where is displayed all information of the offer, like conditions, address, contact details and redeem date.

    Social Sharing. Allows to share offers on popular social networks(facebook, twitter, google+, linkedIn) with back-links to your site. This feature is available if you have Suggestion / Recommendation plugin.

    Likes. Offers can be liked and the members who liked this will be displayed in participants list on Offer Profile page.

    Widgetized Pages. There are available the following widgetized pages which can be edited via Layout Editor in Admin Panel:
    • Browse Offers page displays all upcoming, past and unlocked offers with category filtering and keyword search form;
    • Offer Profile page where is displayed an offer information, photos, requirements, feed, reviews, options, participants, and other information;

    Widgets. Offers & Coupons plugin provides various widgets:
    • `Most Popular Offers` widget displays the most popular offers;
    • `Recent Offers` widget displays the recent offers;
    • `Hot Offers` widget displays offers which will expire very soon;
    • `Offer Participants` widget displays members accepted(unlocked) the offer;
    • `Offer Subscribers` widget displays members subscribed to receive updates from the offer;
    • `Sponsored Offers` widget displays list of sponsored offers which you can manage in admin panel;

    Administration. There are available various management tools for you in SocialEngine Admin panel:
    • Manage Offers section where you can browse deals by title, owner, category and type(free/paid/requirements/store), manage offers by enabling, editing and deleting;
    • Categories section where you can view default categories, add new ones, edit and delete them;
    • Transactions section provides transaction history and details of each paid offer;
    • Credits section where you can turn on or off unlocking offers using credits;

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