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HE Rate 4.1.1 - Nulled by TrioxX

Discussion in 'Плагины - Plugins' started by 2biachatkon, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. 2biachatkon Thread starter User

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    My version of SE:
    Rates plugin allows users to rate members, photos, quizzes, blogs, etc and post review Pages. It's a great light weight plugin that delivers a lot of value in a user-friendly and well-executed way. Ajax based rate looks so smooth and easy in use so users are glad to express their attitude about a content(blog, photo, etc).

    Rates plugin features:
    • Pretty look and AJAX. Minimalistic design and fully based on ajax makes Rate feature look very smooth and user friendly.
    • User Level Restriction. Admin can restrict users by user-level for using rate.
    • Flexible and Powerful. You control all needed settings for Rates in admin panel:
      • Minimum votes count to be listed, it allows you to protect from cheating votes
      • Photos(Members, Blogs, Events, etc) number in widget
    • Rate Members. Integrated with Members(users) and allows users to rate members.
    • Rate Photos. Rates plugin is smoothly integrated with Photo Albums plugin so it allows users to rate photos. Rate feature is automatically shown on Photo page so you don't need to do anything
    • Rate Blogs. It is integrated with Blogs plugin and your users are allowed to others' blogs. Rate feature is automatically shown on View Blog page
    • Rate Events. "Rate This" widget allows you to put rate option on Event Profile page so your users can rate events.
    • Rate Groups. "Rate This" widget allows you to put rate option on Group Profile page so your users can rate groups.
    • Post Reviews on Pages. Rates plugin seamlessly integrated with Pages plugin, it has Reviews module which is shown on Pages as a separate tab. It allows to post reviews with title, message and rate by options - each page category has own rating options so member can leave own comment and rate separately for Food, Service, Prices in Restaurants. All ratings are calculated and shown average value on Page and Browse Pages.
      Please note this works in Pages plugin so if you have Pages plugin installed then Reviews wil be shown on Pages.
    • Rate Quizzes. Rate Quiz is automatically shown on Quiz page and Browse Quizzes page. Please go to Quiz plugin page for more details.
    • Most Rated ... widget. We provide wide range widgets which are available in Layout Editor section and can be put in wherever you want:
      • Most Rated Members
      • Most Rated Photos
      • Most Rated Blogs
      • Most Rated Events
      • Most Rated Groups
      • Most Rated Pages - displays highest rated pages. It is available if you have Pages plugin
      • Most Reviewed Pages - displays most reviewed pages. It is available if you have Pages plugin
      • Most Rated Articles - available if you have Articles plugin
    • Most rated over last week / month / overall. Now all widgets can be shown in two modes: 1) usual which just shows most rated things, 2) most rated things by durations like last week, month and overall. Admin can configure in which mode is shown each widget.
    • Mobile compatibility. It is seamlessly integrated with Mobile plugin so your members are able to easily rate and leave reviews using their mobile phones.
      Who Votes. It is a nice popup(like on Facebook) which allows to view voted members with option to view voted Friends.
      FAQ. We provide detailed instructions for putting Rates Snippent Code on browse photos/events/blogs/... pages.


    You can download the nulled version here: http://www.multiupload.com/6G2W1GEG84

    All callbacks and license requests have been removed.

    Enjoy [IMG]

    That happens, if you're using an unnulled HE-Core.

    application\modules\Hecore\Api\Core.php at line 190:

      public function checkProduct($name)
    Replace the complete function with:
    publicfunction checkProduct($name)
            return array('result'=>true);

    Do u want me to share a nulled version of the latest HE-Core?

    Btw: You dont need to quote my full post...


    Check out the 1st post. I've updated the plugin, to bypass the HE-Core check.

    aloui likes this.
  2. codeman User

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    My version of SE:
    А можно перезалить файл?
  3. nadri Administrator

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    This is nice plugin, but why you use this one, nulled?
    There is a FREE plugin which you can use, on legal basis. KEENONWEB Core plugin have same thing like this one + many other things, and all for free - Furthermore it's LEGAL one!
    codeman likes this.

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