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Free Plugin [iP] Multilingual HTML Block Widget for SE (Retail)

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by MisterWizard, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. MisterWizard Thread starter Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    Multilingual HTML Block Widget for Socialengine



    Multilingual HTML allows you to control the your specific content for a widget to specific type of user and display content specific to language.

    Product Description

    Multilingual HTML Block Widget for Socialengine offers a unique approach to html block widget. It allows you to control the your specific content for a widget to specific type of user (Logged-in or Non Logged-in users ) and use socialengine translate mechanism to display content specific to language. Multilingual HTML Block Widget widget helps by letting you create text widgets just like you would create a content and giving you control to display the content to specific user type. This will allow admin to translate the content to any language in language manager and display it to global users. Bring your website to the global market place today!
    Basic Requirements:

    • SocialEngine 4.x or more
    Plugin Features:

    User Specific Rich HTML Block allows admin to :
    • Drag it from layout manager and opened automatically.
    • Create stunning widget content for a language.
    • Add more language support by adding the contents in language manager
    • Control the display of the widget to specific user type.
    Plugin Demo:

    Please check the status of online plugin here

    Attached Files:

    bartuspan and SPQR like this.

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