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Plugin Members tags

Discussion in 'Nadri & SPQR' started by nadri, May 10, 2012.

  1. nadri Thread starter Administrator

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    My version of SE:
    This is a Module - Plugin Members Tags - Tags Cloud ( textual Tags Only)
    Plugin allow users to Enter your own Tags into own profile. Also, Administrator can make Tags from any Profile Question(field).
    You can choose between two working modes - Moving Flash cloud, or static text Tags. These settings you can set thru AP.
    Click on each Tag will lead to Profile of tagger. ( both mode)
    This is heavy modification of Existed Plugin ( free one).
    From plugin which is Depended on other plugin( add-on), After My Modifications, this plugin WORK as Stand-alone plugin.
    You can install it thru Admin panel of your SE.
    In order to this Plugin work with Members Tags, you MUST create additional Profile Question Field in your AP.
    For more info, look pic below.
    Notice: If you have more than one Profile Type, you must also create Profile Question field for each Profile Type separate.
    It works with SE 4.1.8p1->

    Further more, Admin can decide which Tags will be showed (textual Tags only) - users only Tags, or all ( User tags + Albums Photo, Event Photo, Group Photo tags, Video...). By default, I set showing of all tags ( users+all other) - but, this can be changed in two files, manually. Look at files in:
    and do necessary changes there ( if need one) - there is a explanation in each file.

    Attached Files:

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