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Nulled Podium Theme

Discussion in 'Templates & Styles' started by GLands, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. GLands Thread starter User

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    My version of SE:
    More info

    *special icons for WebHive and SocialEngine plugins only

    Cross-browser design. Podium is a retina-ready theme. It was tested in all popular web browsers and looks the same in any one you like.
    Clean code. This theme was created with speed-optimization in mind.
    Supported Plugins: Webhive (Q&A, Slider and others) and standard SocialEngine PHP plugins..
    Mobile version. Theme is compatible with all mobile devices.
    Podium package includes Custom Menu and Custom Background plugins.

    The theme is perfect for:
    Visual and creative artists communities,
    Photographers and models,
    Designers communities,
    Music Fans and Bands
    and many others.

    Installation instructions:
    1) Go to Admin panel → Manage "Packages&Plugins" and click "Install New Packages".
    2) Follow the on screen instructions to install theme package
    3) Go to Theme editor → select "Activate Theme"
    4) Special Background module will be installed automatically with this theme. Go to “Plugins” → select menu item “Custom Background” → click “Upload New Background” button
    Price: 59usd

    Demo: http://webhiveteam.com/demo4_podium/

    Installation service: We provide our customers with paid installation service of this SocialEngine PHP theme. If you have any difficulties feel free to contact us and we will help you. The price is only 15usd.

    Customization: The design can be easily modified in line with your requirements.
    Feel free to contact our team and let us know what you need. We will give you an accurate estimate and timing.

    PS. Also, included in this package is:
    • module-custombackground-4.5.0
    • module-custommenu-4.6.0p1
      Both module are for your background and site navigation.

    Attached Files:

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