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Free Plugin SEaddons - Birthdays Plugin v4.2.4

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by Andrew Cross, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Andrew Cross Thread starter User

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    My version of SE:

    Add a new personal touch to your social community. Enable your users to never forget any birthdays of friends, and send birthday wishes to the users of your site.
    Plugin Features:

    • Birthdays Listing Page:
      • This page lists the birthdays of friends for the current date, current month, and for other dates in a month-wise order.
      • Users can easily click on links to wish and message friends having birthdays.
      • This page also shows the age of the friends. Users can hide their age on birthdays listing page by not mentioning year in their birthdate. Also, if the admin chooses to hide the birthdate from user profiles, the age will not be shown in birthdays listing.
      • Admin can enable the link for the Birthdays Listing Page on the Member Homepage in the left-side menu.
      • Birthdays widget contains link for this listing page.
    • Attractive Birthdays Widget:
      • Admin can choose the widget layout from amongst these 4 formats: "Names only", "Profile pictures only", "Profile pictures and names" and "Calendar format".
      • Calendar format display makes the widget to be always visible, and shows birthdays in the previous, current and next years. Users can smoothly browse over the various months in the calendar to see the friends' birthdays in them.
      • Other formats make the widget to be visible only if there are friends' birthdays in the current date, and show birthdays in the current date with a link to the birthdays listing page.
      • All 4 formats have good-looking tooltips allowing users to easily wish or message the persons having their birthdays.
    • Automatic Birthday Reminders:
      • Sends automatic birthday reminder emails to users for the upcoming birthdays of their friends.
      • This ensures that users do not miss a friend's birthday.
      • Admin can set the duration before a friend's birthday when users should get its reminder.
      • Admin can configure the template/theme and content of the birthday reminder emails.
    • Automatic Birthday Wish:
      • Enables your site to send automatic birthday wish emails to users on their birthdays.
      • The birthday wish email has an attractive theme with birthday wish image.
      • Admin can configure the template/theme and content of the birthday wish emails.
    • Both the automatic email services can be enabled/disabled by site admin.



      This is a FREE Plugin From SocailEngineAddons
    SPQR likes this.
  2. socialthai User

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    My version of SE:
    My version of phpFox:
    My version of Oxwall:
    if not intall core module seaddons . I install module birthdays work?
  3. SPQR Super-Moderator

    • Super Moderator
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  4. Andrew Cross Thread starter User

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    My version of SE:
    You need the core installed to allow plugins to work.

    The core has also been shared

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