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Free Plugin [TinyMCE] TinyMCE Version 4.0.10 for SE4

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by MisterWizard, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. MisterWizard Thread starter Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    Version: 4.0.10

    Here is a new update to TinyMCE. Remove tinymce from the external folder and replace it with this one, "tinymce.zip"

    Changelog for "TinyMCE"
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    To view the complete Changelog history, view this txt file.

    Version 4.0.10

    Added new forced_root_block_attrs option that allows you to specify attributes for the root block.
    Fixed bug where the custom resize handles didn't work properly on IE 11.
    Fixed bug where the code plugin would select all contents in IE when content was updated.
    Fixed bug where the scroll position wouldn't get applied to floating toolbars.
    Fixed bug where focusing in/out of the editor would move the caret to the top of the editor on IE 11.
    Fixed bug where the listboxes for link and image lists wasn't updated when the url/src was changed.
    Fixed bug where selection bookmark elements would be visible in the elements path list.

    TinyMCE 4.0.10 Released

    Version 4.0.9

    Added support for external template files to template plugin just set the templates option to a URL with JSON data.
    Added new allow_script_urls option. Enabled by default, trims all script urls from attributes.
    Fixed bug where IE would sometimes throw a "Permission denied" error unless the Sizzle doc was properly removed.
    Fixed bug where lists plugin would remove outer list items if inline editable element was within a LI parent.
    Fixed bug where insert table grid widget would insert a table on item to large when using a RTL language pack.
    Fixed bug where fullscreen mode wasn't rendering properly on IE 7.
    Fixed bug where resize handlers wasn't moved correctly when scrolling inline editable elements.
    Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to paste from Excel and possible other applications due to Clipboard API bugs in browsers.
    Fixed bug where Shift+Ctrl+V didn't produce a plain text paste on IE.
    Fixed bug where IE would sometimes move the selection to the a previous location.
    Fixed bug where the editor wasn't properly scrolled to the content insert location in inline mode.
    Fixed bug where some comments would be parsed as HTML by the SaxParser.
    Fixed bug where WebKit/Blink would render tables incorrectly if unapplying formats when having multiple table cells selected.
    Fixed bug where the paste_data_images option wouldn't strip all kinds of data images.
    Fixed bug where the GridLayout didn't render items correctly if the contents overflowed the layout container.
    Fixed bug where the Window wasn't properly positioned if the size of the button bar or title bar was wider than the contents.
    Fixed bug where psuedo selectors for finding UI controls didn't work properly.
    Fixed bug where resized splitbuttons would throw an exception if it didn't contain an icon.
    Fixed bug where setContent would move focus into the editor even though it wasn't active.
    Fixed bug where IE 11 would sometimes throw an "Invalid function" error when calling setActive on the body element.
    Fixed bug where the importcss plugin would import styles from CSS files not present in the content_css array.
    Fixed bug where the jQuery plugin will initialize the editors twice if the core was loaded using the script_url option.
    Fixed various bugs and issues related to indentation of OL/UL list elements.
    Fixed so IE 7 renders the classic mode buttons the same size as other browsers.
    Fixed so document.readyState is checked when loading and initializing TinyMCE manually after page load.

    TinyMCE 4.0.9 Released

    Version 4.0.8

    Added RTL support so all of the UI is rendered right to left if a language pack has a _dir property set to rtl.
    Fixed bug where layout managers wouldn't handle subpixel values properly. When for example the browser was zoomed in.
    Fixed bug where the importcss plugin wouldn't import classes from local stylesheets with remote @import rules on Gecko.
    Fixed bug where Arabic characters wouldn't be properly counted in wordcount plugin.
    Fixed bug where submit event would still fire even if it was unbound on IE 10. Now the event is simply ignored.
    Fixed bug where IE 11 would return border-image: none when getting style attributes with borders in them.
    Fixed various UI rendering issues on older IE versions.
    Fixed so readonly option renderes the editor in inline mode with all UI elements disabled and all events blocked.

    TinyMCE 4.0.8 Released

    Attached Files:

    paolo12345678, roury and SPQR like this.

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