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Question upload video

Discussion in 'Прочая Поддержка - Help Requests' started by xshaanx, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. xshaanx Thread starter User

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    ok using video plugin 4.2.8 as i upload the video to site it seems like converts to flv file....

    im asking all of you who can help me

    how do i or where do i edit to make this work as i upload video it will convert the file to difrent format example
    mp4,flv,3gp pls someone help..
  2. xshaanx Thread starter User

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    anyone knows how to do that??
  3. xshaanx Thread starter User

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    ok guyz that's the code that makes to convert the file as far i know i have made some change but it did not work for me pls i need some1 help on this

        // Pull video from storage system for encoding
        $storageObject = Engine_Api::_()->getItem('storage_file', $video->file_id);
        if( !$storageObject ) {
          throw new Video_Model_Exception('Video storage file was missing');
        $originalPath = $storageObject->temporary();
        if( !file_exists($originalPath) ) {
          throw new Video_Model_Exception('Could not pull to temporary file');
        // $originalPath = $tmpDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $video->getIdentity() . '.' . $filetype;
        $outputPath  = $tmpDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $video->getIdentity() . '_vconverted.flv';
        $thumbPath    = $tmpDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $video->getIdentity() . '_vthumb.jpg';
        $videoCommand = $ffmpeg_path . ' '
          . '-i ' . escapeshellarg($originalPath) . ' '
          . '-ab 64k' . ' '
          . '-ar 44100' . ' '
          . '-qscale 5' . ' '
          . '-vcodec flv' . ' '
          . '-f flv' . ' '
          . '-r 25' . ' '
          . '-s 480x386' . ' '
          //. '-v 2' . ' ' // Removed for ffmpeg 0.10
          . '-y ' . escapeshellarg($outputPath) . ' '
          . '2>&1'
        // Prepare output header
        $output  = PHP_EOL;
        $output .= $originalPath . PHP_EOL;
        $output .= $outputPath . PHP_EOL;
        $output .= $thumbPath . PHP_EOL;
        // Prepare logger
        $log = null;
        //if( APPLICATION_ENV == 'development' ) {
          $log = new Zend_Log();
          $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_PATH . '/temporary/log/video.log'));
        // Execute video encode command
        $videoOutput = $output .
          $videoCommand . PHP_EOL .
        // Log
        if( $log ) {
          $log->log($videoOutput, Zend_Log::INFO);
        // Check for failure
        $success = true;
        // Unsupported format
        if( preg_match('/Unknown format/i', $videoOutput) ||
            preg_match('/Unsupported codec/i', $videoOutput) ||
            preg_match('/patch welcome/i', $videoOutput) ||
            preg_match('/Audio encoding failed/i', $videoOutput) ||
            !is_file($outputPath) ||
            filesize($outputPath) <= 0 ) {
          $success = false;
          $video->status = 3;

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