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Retail Plugin [YN] Advanced Wall 4.04 (Retail)

Discussion in 'Plugins & Widgets' started by MisterWizard, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. MisterWizard Thread starter Moderator

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    My version of SE:
    Advanced Wall - Friends Tagging Like Facebook

    Advanced Wall plugin is an enhancement to SE Wall plugin which allows users to get closer to their friends. With Advanced Wall, users can mention their friends more effectively by tagging their friends in their posts and control who can see specific elements of their Walls.

    SE compatibility: 4.1.5–>4.2
    Product version: 4.04

    License key:
    This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify license.
    License key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.

    Notice: Advanced Wall is compatible with Advanced Comment Box. Admin must manually remove SE Activity Feed widget in Home Page, Member Home Page and Member Profile when Advanced Wall is installed (View screenshot)

    This module fully compatibility with SE standard themes and YouNet themes.
    If you use a custom template, please submit ticket in the Client Area to get help from us.

    Knowledge Base: http://knowledgebase.younetco.com/c...s/advanced-wall-friends-tagging-like-facebook

    Demo: http://socialengine4.demo.younetco.com


    Filter member’s news in Activity Feed by default criterion:
    Most Recent (default): show news that are the lasted posting.
    Friends: show news of your friends
    Status: show member status
    Blogs: show uploaded blogs
    Albums: show uploaded albums
    List: show your custom lists. You can filter news in one specific list.
    Profile information popup: like Facebook, it is a nice tip shown on mouse over on member thumbnail or name. It contains: profile photo, name and link, number of friends, avatar of friends. You can send message or add friend in this popup.
    Share a post on personal wall/ wall of friends

    Key Features

    Speed up your posting by using ajax
    The feeds will be loaded automatically while scrolling page down
    Integrate license key
    Friend Tagging allows you to more effectively mention your friends. Friends who you tag receive a notification that you have tagged them (like Facebook: http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=109765592130)
    Sett privacy options to share content with a select group of people: everyone, friends of friends, friends only

    View screenshots

    Filter by Most Recent
    Filter by Friends
    Filter by Status
    Filter by Blogs
    Filter by Albums
    Filter by Custom List
    Create Custom List
    Profile Information Popup
    Share a Post
    Share on Wall’s Friend
    Advanced Wall widget
    Friend Tagging
    Link To User’s Profile
    Setting Privacy Options
    Speed up your posting
    Auto Load Feed


    We need this module NULLED!

    Attached Files:

    bartuspan and SPQR like this.

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