1. Мы продолжаем публиковать интересные статьи на тему SocialEngine 4. Одна из статей посвящена правильному выбору сервера для вашей социальной сети, а другая содержит советы по увеличению производительности платформы. Также мы добавили большую статью о пользовательских уровнях. Ознакомиться со статьями вы можете в разделе Вопросы и Ответы SocialEngine 4.
  2. Вам кажется, что ваша версия SocialEngine 4, работает медленно?

    Голосуйте. Пишите свою версию системы, железо на чем работает и количество пользователей. Будем увеличивать производительность :-) Подробнее

  3. В связи с участившимися случаями попыток продажи пользователями форума различных "сборок" коммерческих социальных платформ, обычно основанных на SocialEngine 3, вводится новое правило для форума. Запрещается создание тем или размещение в уже созданных предложений о продаже или размещение ссылок на сайты, где происходит продажа "сборок". Пользователи, которые продолжат свою коммерческую деятельность в данном направлении, будут заблокированы. Подробнее.

4.2.3 Socialengine 4.2.3 релиз - время обновится

Discussion in 'Релизы - General' started by eminem, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. eminem Thread starter Banned

    • Banned
    Message Count:
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    My version of SE:
    SocialEngine 4.2.2 здесь! Все текущие клиенты могут перейти на последнею версию бесплатно.

    Это снова обновление. Мы обновили Mootools, чтобы попрощаться с ошибками Javascript в Firefox. Другие обновления включают в себя улучшение Facebook/Twitter интеграции, дополненный JanRain и многое другое! Смотрите наш список изменений для полной информации. Как всегда, не забудьте сделать резервную копию.

    Желаю вам всего самого наилучшего и успехов!

    Спасибо за поддержку. Мы надеемся, что вам понравится новый релиз! Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь связаться с нами, если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы.

    Список Изминений

    application/index.php - Fixed issue with PHP 5.3 and maintenance mode
    application/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/autocompleter/Autocompleter.js - Added option to ignore the overlay fix
    externals/autocompleter/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/calendar/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/calendar/styles.css - Improved localization and RTL support
    externals/chootools/chootools.js - Improved javascript automatic link enabling; added Request.Post class
    externals/chootools/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/fancyupload/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/fancyupload/Swiff.Uploader.js - Fixed RTL support issue
    externals/moolasso/Lasso.Crop.js - Fixes issue with Internet Explorer
    externals/moolasso/Lasso.js - Fixes issue with Internet Explorer
    externals/moolasso/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/mootools/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/mootools/mootools-1.2.5-core-nc.js - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-1.2.5-core-yc.js - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools- - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools- - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-core-1.3.2-full-compat-nc.js - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-core-1.3.2-full-compat-yc.js - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-core-1.3.2-full-nocompat-nc.js - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-core-1.3.2-full-nocompat-yc.js - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-core-1.4.5-full-compat-nc.js - Added
    externals/mootools/mootools-core-1.4.5-full-compat-yc.js - Added
    externals/mootools/mootools-core-1.4.5-full-nocompat-nc.js - Added
    externals/mootools/mootools-core-1.4.5-full-nocompat-yc.js - Added
    externals/mootools/mootools-more- - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-more- - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-more- - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-more- - Removed
    externals/mootools/mootools-more- - Added
    externals/mootools/mootools-more- - Added
    externals/mootools/mootools-more- - Added
    externals/mootools/mootools-more- - Added
    externals/open-flash-chart/manifest.php - Incremented version; changed name to not confused with back-end library
    externals/smoothbox/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/smoothbox/smoothbox4.js - Mootools 1.4 compatibility
    externals/soundmanager/* - Upgrading and adjusting to fix issues with CDN/Flash cross-domain policy
    externals/tagger/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/tagger/tagger.js - Fixes issue where exception is thrown when tagging someone twice
    externals/tinymce/manifest.php - Incremented version
    externals/tinymce/plugins/media/langs/en_dlg.js - Added to fix issues with copy/paste
    externals/tinymce/plugins/paste/editor_plugin.js - Added to fix issues with copy/paste
    externals/tinymce/plugins/paste/editor_plugin_src.js - Added to fix issues with copy/paste
    application/libraries/Engine/IP.php - Added doc
    application/libraries/Engine/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/libraries/Facebook/Base.php - Upgraded
    application/libraries/Facebook/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/libraries/PEAR/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/libraries/PEAR/Services/Twitter.php - Fixed fatal error when json extension is not installed
    application/libraries/Zend/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/libraries/Zend/zend_chanelog.txt - Updated
    application/libraries/Zend/Service/ReCaptcha.php - Fixed tabindex
    application/modules/Activity/controllers/IndexController.php - Fixes making a post when the privacy settings are not enabled
    application/modules/Activity/Model/Action.php - Fixes activity action error
    application/modules/Activity/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Activity/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Announcement/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Announcement/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Announcement/views/scripts/admin-manage/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Authorization/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Authorization/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Authorization/views/scripts/admin-level/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/languages/en/core.csv - Admin can choose to receive email when a new user signs up
    application/modules/Core/Api/Mail.php - Admin can choose to receive email when a new user signs up
    application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Ads/Create.php - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Mail/Settings.php - Admin can choose to receive email when a new user signs up
    application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Message/Mail.php - Admin can choose to receive email when a new user signs up
    application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Settings/General.php - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Settings/Password.php - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Settings/Performance.php - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Settings/Spam.php - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/Form/Admin/Settings/Viglink.php - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Core/settings/my-upgrade-4.2.2-4.2.3.sql - Added
    application/modules/Core/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Core/views/scripts/_formImageCrop.tpl - Wraps translation for Edit Thumbnail to allow apostrophes
    application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-ads/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-language/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-log/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-menus/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-stats/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-stats/referrers.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-system/php.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-tasks/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Fields/settings/fields.php - Restore paragraph capability for About Me
    application/modules/Fields/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Fields/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Fields/View/Helper/FieldTextarea.php - Restore paragraph capability for About Me
    application/modules/Fields/views/scripts/_jsAdmin.tpl - Fixes Edit Choices on Profile Questions
    application/modules/HelloWorld/externals/.htaccess - Updated with far-future expires headers for static resources
    application/modules/HelloWorld/Model/HelloWorld.php - Better cleanup of temporary files
    application/modules/HelloWorld/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/HelloWorld/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Invite/Form/Invite.php - Added ReCaptcha support
    application/modules/Invite/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Invite/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Invite/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Messages/controllers/MessagesController.php - Fixed issue with being able to send messages to members that are not your friend when disallowed by the admin
    application/modules/Messages/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Messages/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Messages/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Messages/views/scripts/messages/inbox.tpl - Fixed issue with messages from deleted members
    application/modules/Messages/views/scripts/messages/outbox.tpl - Fixed issue with messages from deleted members
    application/modules/Messages/views/scripts/messages/view.tpl - Fixed nesting error
    application/modules/Network/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Network/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Network/views/scripts/admin-manage/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Payment/Form/Admin/Settings/Global.php - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Payment/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Payment/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Payment/views/scripts/admin-gateway/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Payment/views/scripts/admin-index/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Payment/views/scripts/admin-package/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Payment/views/scripts/admin-subscription/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/Storage/Model/File.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Storage/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/Storage/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/Storage/views/scripts/admin-services/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/languages/en/user.csv - Rewrite Profile viewing and Profile Commenting Options Descriptions
    application/modules/User/Form/Admin/Signup/Account.php - Admin can choose to receive email when a new user signs up
    application/modules/User/Model/User.php - Removes Admin Settings link for moderator on member profile
    application/modules/User/Plugin/Menus.php - Removes Admin Settings link for moderator on member profile
    application/modules/User/Plugin/Signup/Account.php - Admin can choose to receive email when a new user signs up
    application/modules/User/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/modules/User/settings/my.sql - Incremented version
    application/modules/User/views/scripts/_formEditImage.tpl - Wraps translation for Edit Thumbnail to allow apostrophes
    application/modules/User/views/scripts/_formSignupImage.tpl - Wraps translation for Edit Thumbnail to allow apostrophes
    application/modules/User/views/scripts/admin-manage/index.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/User/views/scripts/settings/network.tpl - Added support links in admin panel
    application/modules/User/widgets/profile-status/index.tpl - Fixes Profile Status widget title separation
    application/themes/bamboo/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/themes/bamboo/theme.css - Fixed issue with feed comment option list
    application/themes/default/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/themes/default/theme.css - Fixed issue with feed comment option list
    application/themes/digita/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/themes/digita/theme.css - Fixed issue with feed comment option list
    application/themes/midnight/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/themes/midnight/theme.css - Fixed issue with feed comment option list
    application/themes/slipstream/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/themes/slipstream/theme.css - Fixed issue with feed comment option list
    application/themes/snowbot/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/themes/snowbot/theme.css - Fixed issue with feed comment option list
    application/widgets/rss/Controller.php - Added caching support
    application/widgets/rss/index.tpl - Added caching support
    application/widgets/rss/manifest.php - Incremented version
    application/widgets/weather/choose.tpl - Page now reloads when location is selected

    Не забывайте говорить спасибо!

    Attached Files:

    braid, Raqif005, VIOIS and 6 others like this.
  2. nadri Administrator

    • Admin
    • Знаменитый
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    My version of SE:
    This update is silly - just a 'cosmetic' upgrades, nothing else.
    Btw, I tested on Local server, and there is a error during upgrade, be aware of that. I read that some users have similar error, but...
    Anyway, better is to wait some time to see is everything OK with this upgrade....
  3. ahar1024 User

    Message Count:
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    А как или где скачать обновление ?
  4. nadri Administrator

    • Admin
    • Знаменитый
    Message Count:
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    My version of SE:
    New error in 4.2.3 - when new signups try to upload profile photo during signup process - they can't to do that. Subsequently upload of profile photo works.
    Further, there is a few language variables errors in AP, but this is just cosmetic, nothing concerning
    --- добавлено: Apr 26, 2012 5:40 AM ---
    @ eminem,
    Attach upgrade for SE 4.2.3 also :)
  5. avantus User

    Message Count:
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    My version of SE:
    При попытке миграции с версии 3.2 процесс идет, но лог файл install увеличивается быстрыми темпами до того момента пока место не кончится и сервер не зависнет.
    При просмотре файла выяснилось что он заполняется одной и той же ошибкой:
    2012-04-27T11:27:37+00:00 NOTICE (5): [8] ob_get_clean() [<a href='ref.outcontrol'>ref.outcontrol</a>]: failed to delete buffer zlib output compression. (/var/www/site.ru/se423/install/controllers/ImportController.php) [733]
    Error Code: 0d645f
    Stack trace:
    #0 /var/www/site.ru/se423/install/controllers/ImportController.php(733): ob_get_clean()
    #1 /var/www/site.ru/se423/application/libraries/Zend/Controller/Action.php(513): ImportController->version3RemoteAction()
    #2 /var/www/site.ru/se423/application/libraries/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(289): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('version3RemoteAction')
    #3 /var/www/site.ru/se423/application/libraries/Zend/Controller/Front.php(946): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Http, Zend_Controller_Response_Http)
    #4 /var/www/site.ru/se423/application/libraries/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(77): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
    #5 /var/www/site.ru/se423/application/libraries/Zend/Application.php(358): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
    #6 /var/www/site.ru/se423/install/index.php(87): Zend_Application->run()
    #7 {main}

    В чем может быть проблема?
  6. avantus User

    Message Count:
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    My version of SE:
    Проблему решил.
    В php.ini - "output_buffering" поставил в значение "off"
    nadri likes this.
  7. wolflex4 User

    Message Count:
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    А где Update версия?
  8. Prado Challenge Everything

    • Admin
    Message Count:
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    My version of phpFox:

    Attached Files:

  9. Midnayt User

    Message Count:
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    My version of SE:
    Кто ставил есть ошибки не хочется экспериментирование ???

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