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Notice We going to be Legal 100%

Discussion in 'General discussions' started by SPQR, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. xootmedia User

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    My version of SE:
    For example just to make a traffic to your site maybe can try with nulled script and then later can just change the nulled with legal module because then will have some cash on PP and can pay via PP to buy modules. or themes.
  2. SPQR Thread starter Super-Moderator

    • Super Moderator
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    Any serious business can't be arranged without investments, be aware of that!
    Same answer for you - using of nulled shits won't help you much....
    DerTod and nadri like this.
  3. Nevo Novice member

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    Nulled can only can one so far and in the end, if one truly requires the best version of that product, they will not only have no problem paying for it, but they will want to because they will understand what they are paying for.
  4. socialtimegmx User

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    My version of SE:
    My version of phpFox:
    My version of Oxwall:
    No doubt , I fully agree with Admin Nadri and Mod SPQR. But I think both you guys still can consider to null SE and share with our community members only because webligo will still get benefit from it. Yes , somehow this nulled se helping there business.
    DerTod likes this.
  5. DerTod Novice member

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    My version of SE:
    Hi all,

    I registered today, but I know the name "SPQR" for a much much longer period (Nadri is not so well known with me). I think everyone in the scene knows Your name or has had earlier or later a downloaded nulled file from You. I think its fully ok You`ll go now a legal way but dont forget from wich scene you come. It hurts a bit if a well known ex-scene person like You say now things like "shit nulled" etc. That shity nulled stuff was a long period a important part in Your live and now You sound a bit the same like a persons who smoked for jears and after quit smoking You become the worst hater of tabak in the world.

    That are Your roots so please dont forget them, even if You are at Your holy way lol

    I also hope that our member data (yes the one from the kriminals who like nulled stuff) are save and we will not get a letter of a advokat next time and You`ll not do a holy war against us www shadow persons ;)
    I dont say that because I dont like You or I dont respect what You`re doing now or so. I only know what peoples are doing if they can get a good bunch of money for a not so hard job. Some law firms would pay You a good pile of money for our data because they can earn up to 600 Euros per illegal downloaded file. So with the member database of this site they can made thousands of bugs. I has to pay 800 Euros for a downloaded game, so I know what I`m talking about.

    I respect Your descission I find it realy cool that You`re doing new legal SE stuff because You know what the real SE fans want to get.

    I personal use nulled SE things only because I want do themes for it and I`ve not the startup money to buy me the licences for the CMS and all its important expensive AddOns and Plugins. If I`ve earned enough money from my themes I`ll buy me all the SE stuff on a legal way but for now the not so legal way is for me the only option but I use it only on a non public server just for developement.

    Ok that was enough from me now to this topic :)

    I wish You much success with it and hope You`ll have a good start.

    Have a good time!
    Regards ;)
    nadri and SPQR like this.

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